<p>Do they send out emails for missing fin aid forms? or like a letter or something?</p>
<p>I would like to know this also, I was selected for verification on FAFSA so I am assuming Vandy will want some more forms signed. Did you send tax returns in? On the fin aid deadlines it doesn’t list returns but if you keep at the site there is a point were it requests returns as soon as possible. Did everybody send in tax returns already?</p>
<p>no i havent sent in tax forms yet… but i mean i dont even know what to do cause there is no way of checking your status for fin aid</p>
<p>I faxed everything a month ago.</p>
<p>I would do the same and just e-mail a financial aid officer to check on the completion of your financial aid documents. The financial officers are really nice!</p>
<p>Back to Kinkos to make more copies of tax returns - better to be safe I guess. Did you guys run into the same thing as me in seeing that the primamry deadlines do not mention returns but getting deeper into the fin aid site you find a notice that asks them to be mailed ASAP? And this I only found because someone on CC posted the Tax returns as a requirement so I kept digging</p>
<p>I just faxed them. It saves time and money.</p>