Do UC's accept one D?!

<p>Today I took the pre-calc final and I think I bombed it!! :frowning:
That was my only chance to pass the class with a C. Before the final, I think I got a D before going into the final. If I failed the final, I will go down to a F!! The final is worth 200 points(equal to 2 tests)!! :’(
I thought the final was hard but not extremely hard. I guessed on a few problems but overall, I know how to do the problems. I’m so freaking scared because I REALLY REALLY want to go to a UC!! It’s so disappointing to think that my dream is gone because of one class! I only applied to UC’s and if I fail math…my only other option is community college. Community college is not even a consideration for me because I worked so hard these past 4 years, and to go to a community college is a waste of my hardwork! Please help me…</p>

<p>If you are a senior, you must maintain a B average this year for all UC schools, and I think no grade lower than a B for Cal and UCLA. If you get anything less than a C, I would suggest you retake the course in the spring, even at a juco if not offered at your HS. A low grade could cause a UC acceptance to be rescinded, but you would show good faith by retaking and (hopefully) earning a higher grade. Thus, the adcoms may show some leniency.</p>

<p>And if you do receive lower than a C, you should write to each UC campus to which you applied, explain what happened (senioritis is a BAD excuse), and let them know that you are retaking. It is better to be proactive with such situations.</p>

<p>You probably wouldn't get into UCB, UCLA, or UCSD unless you got a 2410+ on the SAT. I have only heard of a D getting into Davis but they had a 36 ACT lol.</p>

<p>we can't change your grade or what the UC schools are going to do about it. You need to go in and meet with your counselor to see what you can do, probably something along the lines of what bluebayou has advised.</p>

<p>If worst comes to worst, there is a way to get much of the 4-year experience of a UC, along with guaranteed admission for your last 2 years at a UC school. For my post on how to do this for UCSB see <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>One other bit of advice. If you retake the class, obviously you need to do something different or you'll get similar results. What you need is more practice. There are books you can find at Amazon with titles like "Pre-Calculus Problem Solver". These books have thousands of examples with the solution explained. What you need to do is find the chapter that corresponds to what you're studying in class, and then cover up the solutions and keep working example after example until you can comfortably do them. As to how much time, while pre-calc is not a college level class its getting close. In math/science classes in college the rule of thumb is that you can expect to be spending about 3 hours outside of class studying and doing homework for every class hour. A college class meets 3x a week, so using this as a guide you should be spending 9 hours each week on your pre-calc class.</p>

<p>Unless you are in a generic pre-calc class (non honors), you will not be able to retake the class. Community colleges often do not have the same class that you took in high school. The only reason to retake the class is to make a good faith effort to learn the material, showing the college you do care. If you get an F, I would say its CC for you. A 'D' is slightly more understandable. A 'C' should be fine for any UC if it is an outlier. If you have more than one C your senior year, you can usually at least wave UCB UCLA goodbye. </p>

<pre><code> With such a competitive year, the UC's have no reason to put up with senioritis in a pretty easy class as regular pre-calc. And getting a D/F in a regular class is just not acceptable.

<p>Well, you think it's easy does not mean it's easy for me. In case you don't know, I suck at math and I hate it! Pre-calc is considered hard for me. I do know that UC's don't accept anything lower than a C..but that wasn't my question. My question was if you know any universities that accept D's or F's.</p>

<p>Not true Cali Trumpet. Its actually retaining a 3.0 unweighted that keeps you in. I know people who did this purposely and got 3 Cs and then 3 A's to balance it out to a 3.0.</p>

<p>Cali Trumpet - please don't assume senioritis. I have always done very poorly in math classes EASIER than pre-calc (not failing, but close), even though I tried very hard. I am not a total slacker - I have taken 8 AP and many honors classes in other subjects and done quite well. I wouldn't be surprised if the OP was similiar. </p>

<p>OP - I'm really sorry and I get how you feel. I read your other thread about dropping pre-calc - I think you should. I almost failed algebra 2 (combo of bad math skills, family problems, and the worst and least helpful teacher I ever had). There are many schools outside of cali that will take you. Look at Colleges That Change Lives by Loren Pope. What is your overall GPA?</p>

<p>Hey TwilightGirl,</p>

<p>A grade below a C <em>can</em> be used as the basis for rescinding admission by the UCs. You don't say which UCs you applied to (but say you <em>only</em> applied to UCs).</p>

<p>In previous years, some of the lower-ranked UCs did not rescind for a D if the applicant had a valid reason for the grade and the course was not required to meet minimum a-g requirements (your Pre-Calc shouldn't be required if you've completed Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II).</p>

<p>It's hard to know how much slack the UCs will cut folks this year. If you absolutely do not want to attend a CC (and go the transfer route), you might want to check out CSUMentor to see which CSU's are still accepting applications... there might be one that's a good/okay fit for you.</p>

<p>Private schools, such as those listed in CTCL might be an option... I'm not sure what their application deadlines are... or whether privates are a viable option for you.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>CSU Monterrey Bay may still be open.....</p>

<p>"Community college is not even a consideration for me because I worked so hard these past 4 years, and to go to a community college is a waste of my hardwork! Please help me..."</p>

<p>Hard work is never "wasted".</p>

<p>"but that wasn't my question. My question was if you know any universities that accept D's or F's."</p>

<p>Your thread title asks a different question. I think this question might be better. Maybe you could repost with a new title, and in the college admissions forum.</p>

<p>I admit I was a bit presumptuous by assuming the OP was a patient of senioritis, and nothing else. At my old high school, regular classes (non honors of AP) were actually somewhat hard to get anything less then a C in. You often found teachers giving extra credit, or letting students retake any test that they did bad on. You find teachers are a whole lot more willing to help students struggling to pass than those struggling to get an A. You, on the other hand, could have ended up with an unfortunate teacher without a care in his/her heart to help you through the hurdles of this class. Teachers tend to budge on grades in regular classes, and I have watched it happen... so maybe a little begging and a basket of muffins will get your teacher to simply pass you. This would be sensible of him/her if you spent a lot of your time after school in their classroom.</p>

<pre><code> The main point of my post was not to knock you down for getting a bad grade in precalc, but to point out what this looks like to the UCs that you are applying to. I mentioned that a C is fine, but a D and especially an F are red flags during Senior year. The UCs will not know if you were a student that spent 20 hours a week studying for this one class, or if you were a student that chose not to do any work and take tests cold. The UCs only see the letter grade. Yes, it would definitely help to explain that precalc is not your subject and it was a mistake to take it your senior year. On that note, find another class to take instead of your second semester of precalc.

<p>If your question is now "What Universities accept D's or F's," Csus are more generous, especially if you have a high GPA, which you have not disclosed as of yet. Frankly, if you have a GPA/Scores well beyond the averages of individual UC's, they will be more forgiving of the D/F in precalc, especially after you write a note about it.</p>

<p>Purest-My comment about the C factor was incorrect. It was unnecessary because the OP pretty much thinks she did not pass the class. I'll believe your anecdote about your friend purposely getting 3 C's just to see what would happen, but that seems like a silly thing to do, and risky at that.</p>

<p>yo twilight~~
if u need help in precalculus, just go to youtube, search for ,hmm.. khanacademy, themathtutor,mathTV, or patrickJMT(im not sure this one,i watch his calculus series).
they're pretty helpful in terms of learning precal, algebra stuff i think.
i hope u pull it up. good luck~!</p>

<p>I don't mean to take over this thread, but just to clarify:</p>

<p>I applied to 6 UC's (Berk, LA, UCI, SD, Davis, and SB) all in political science related majors and I'm taking one of the most rigorous course loads this year (in fact, I'd say it's almost more rigorous than my junior year course load) except for English: zero period leadership (not college prep/academic), World Literature, AP Poli Sci/AP econ (semester long at my school), AP Latin, AP Art History, AP Stat, and AP Bio
Thing is, I just got my semester grades today, and I got all B's, except an A in leadership (unimportant) and a C in AP Bio</p>

<p>I too was wondering how much this is gonna affect me and my possible UC admissions.</p>

<p>Sleepwell, I'm no expert -- but the decision is based on 10-11 grades and senior schedule. They don't even see your senior grades unless you're accepted. So you don't want to bomb (C or worse) senior classes and risk your admission being rescinded, but Bs won't make a difference.</p>

<p>So if I get the A second semester to balance out my C, will my admissions status still be okay when they review my senior transcript at the end of the year?
Or am I in deep waters... ):</p>

<p>Make sure you get above a 3.0 uw and you will be fine. Your C will be overlooked</p>

<p>OoPurestOo -- You are wrong about a single D causing UCB, UCLA, UCSD etc. to automatically rescind--or at least wrong for one student with an atypical D in an advanced (UC weighted ) course that wasn't required for admission. The student was also accepted by top tier private colleges after reporting mid-year grades.</p>

<p>paradoxical: That must be one lucky student</p>