Do you feel like you have someone to talk with about *anything*?

<p>Yes. 2 people. My fiance and my best friend. Both males, so if I need to talk about a female issue then I am SOL.</p>

<p>I don’t have one person that I can talk to about anything, but I have a few people who I can talk to about various subjects, so in the end, just about everything is covered.
Actually, the person I go to the most for potentially touchy stuff is my sister. We’re very close (relationship-wise and in age), and it really doesn’t seem like theres much point in keeping stuff from her because we’re so far beyond the judging stage anyways. Basically, her impression of me isn’t really going to change if I tell her something the way it might if it was a friend (even a close friend). But if I’m complaining about my sister, then I go to someone else… :)</p>

<p>I can tell my boyfriend and best friend pretty much anything.</p>

<p>For me it’s kind of weird. I have this one friend that I could tell anything. She’s great. But she’s not anywhere close to one of my best friends. I sometimes go months without talking to her. But whenever something bad happens to me, she somehow hears about it and just comes out of nowhere to help me out. I try to do the same for her. I guess we’re really good friends to each other, but we don’t really hang out or anything. We’re just there for each other.</p>