Do you HAVE to take 3 SLs? How about 4 HLs and 2 SLs?

<p>Must you take 3 SLs? I just don't have enough space in my schedule for that! How about 4 HLs and 2 SLs?</p>

<p>You COULD take 4 HLs/2 SLs, but HLs can be really too much, so that’s why most people do 3. And what do you mean you don’t have space in your schedule for 3 SLs? Having 4 HLs would restrict your schedule even more because they’re 2 years…</p>

<p>@Animefan1998 At my school there’s no SL English, only HL, this is why I have four HLs. If not, I would have just had math, history, and science as HLs. I’m not very good at English. Also at my school, many HLs are one year. For instance HL Biology is one year, but you are required to take AP Bio beforehand, so that it kind of like the first year. Same is true with HL Math. You must take AP Calc BC before. We also only have 6 class periods at my school, so it is kind of restricting. Thanks for your response!</p>

<p>@dsi411 I have the same exact problem with the mandatory English HL it gets rid of one of your “normal” 3 choices and so you get stuck doing 4 HL if you want to do something else.</p>

<p>Anyways I was gonna do the same thing as you except they got rid of Chem so I’m gonna do french instead of that and have an SL Design Tech (3-D printing) class as my science but the grade distribution (normally 24 min points to receive a diploma) changes to 25 min it’s not a big difference but the amount in HL is a lot higher and you can’t get lower than a 4 in any of them </p>