doah what do i do now for uci?

<p>with the recent bump to 3.2 ill be .03 short of being able to apply. Was going for CGS and i've finish all my major courses and now im just finishing up the GE which will boost me to 3.4-3.5 after fall and spring. Should i just apply normally now to uci/ucsd/ucla(doubt i'll get in with a 3.4/3.5 for cs)</p>

<p>*** so its official!?</p>

<p>[UCI</a> TAG Criteria for FA 2012-13. 06-28-11](<a href=“]UCI”></p>

<p>apply the pray for the best. Take some summer classes to boost gpa?</p>

<p>already taking 2 summer classes with A in both. The update came to late theres no 4/6 week classes that start in july =( my best bet for tag would be to apply to either UCSD or UCSB since the gpa requirement come in fall</p>

<p>daaaaaaamn, good thing im applying regular transfer.</p>

<p>i wanted to tag to UCI this year because CGS opens fall 2012 for transfer students. So it was my number one choice. Ill have a 3.4/3.5 after spring 2012 so i should be good or okay for most uc beside LA and Berk</p>

<p>psst: game companies prefer a CS degree.</p>

<p>its literally almost the same thing as CS. like you can quadruple major in Math/CS/CGS/Software Engineer since they are all roughly 1-2 class apart</p>

<p>i just want to mention: your last chance for GPA is fall semester. during winter break, you’ll be sending in your fall semester grades. spring, of course, matters - but it doesn’t really do anything for admissions, moreso that you’re on top of your game once you are admitted.</p>