<p>to pratts school of engineering? around 660 reading 750 math and 680 writing? Anyone know someone with similar stats that got accepted (and not an under represented minority or hooks).</p>
<p>Yeah. One of my friends did. His math is better, but reading and writing is worse. He even got full scholarship (University Scholar). However, despite his relatively low SAT scores, he has a really high GPA, a very impressive essay, and comes from an low income family. He is asian (not really a minority in Duke ). Hope that helps…</p>
<p>Thanks cuddlikitti. Now I feel like I have some hope.</p>
<p>anyone else?</p>
<p>Nevermind, I didn’t thoroughly read the question.</p>
<p>if you ignore the writing, yeah i do. me. well, CR and math were both slightly higher, but not by a significant amount.</p>