Does applying to too many campuses hurt my chance?

<p>I heard my friend saying that the admission officers don’t like students applying to too many campuses. Is it true? I’ve decided to apply to four UCs (berkeley, LA, SD, SB) physics programs, and is considering whether to add one more as a safe choice. Will it be too much?</p>


<p>No this is not true. In fact, you may be hurting your chances of getting into the UC. What if you don’t get into LA, SD, Berkeley, or SB? Now what? Perhaps you could’ve gotten into Davis, Irvine, Riverside, ect. had you applied.</p>

<p>It is not true! Each UC campus considers your application separately w/o regard for how many you applied to. The 4 you have mentioned are highly selective. I would throw in a few more to be safe. If you are a CA resident and in the top 9% of your class ((you should have received a letter if that is the case and you are in-state) then you are guaranteed admission to a UC and will automatically be offered a spot at one campus if you are not accepted to any that you applied for. There is no guarantee as to which campus, and it is often UCR or UCM.</p>

<p>Apply to as many campuses as you want to.</p>

<p>Is it possible to add more choices after the deadline (30 Nov), say, the mid of December? Because if I am admitted by my EA choices, then I don’t have to add any more ‘safe’ schools like the UCs you mentioned.</p>

<p>No. You may not add schools after Nov. 30.</p>