<p>This is probably dependent on each person and their individual situation, but in general, do most people honestly have a better life in college than in high school?</p>
<p>I hear so many contrasting opinions, and I think I make college out to be like this savior from the dark years of high school. Am I way overrating it?</p>
<p>Probably not!</p>
<p>When you go to college, you’ll meet new, creative people. You’ll learn really cool things and eventually get a cool job, doing what you love and buying a bunch of awesome things!</p>
<p>At least I hope so…</p>
<p>I think you’re overrating it some, but I imagine college people are less petty and more likely to actually want to be in class.</p>
<p>You’re right. It does depend on the person. </p>
<p>College does get better. You’re more independent. You’re able do things when you want and how you want…most of the times. It’s a chance to start out fresh. </p>
<p>I know I can’t wait. (August 21st!!!)</p>
<p>Well, in a sense, it is better. You choose where you go, what to study, and who you interact with more than you do in high school. But, some of it is only what you make it, like the new found social life. There are some aspects that are beyond your control,like getting crappy professors, hating a class, or struggling in general, but that’s life. </p>
<p>Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using CC</p>
<p>@redhuntinghat The only way is up for me too ;)</p>
<p>I’ve never heard anyone say that it doesn’t get better except for those who were popular in HS, didn’t bother with school, and realize that there are legal consequences to things after you turn 18.</p>
<p>but for the most part, yes, I’m going with it does get a whole lot better
although “savior from the dark years of high school” might be going a bit too far ;)</p>
<p>Hey guys, I was wondering how good off I am for college.
I have a 4.8 GPA weighted
4 GPA unweighted
Sat scores are 1610
Class rank is 22 out of 364</p>
<p>Vacollege is right. Your experience is what you make it! Lots of kids don’t like college-so they transfer and then they love the college that they transfered to! It usually works out for the best. Also, the social aspect of college is much different from high school just because there are usually so many new people to meet (if you go to a large enough school)</p>