<p>Just curious, does anyone know if M&T sends out likely letters? If so, around what date? I believe Penn sends the rest out in early March.</p>
<p>I highly doubt that M&T hands out likely letters. That’s like saying, “out of every absolutely ridiculous person we’ve accepted to the program, you put them all to shame.” There are some insanely smart M&Ts here, and they didn’t get likely letters, as far as I know.</p>
<p>^ Could an M&T applicant get a likely letter to Penn (but not the program)?</p>
<p>“Could an M&T applicant get a likely letter to Penn (but not the program)?”</p>
<p>The question would be then, what would this applicant be accepted into? Just Wharton? Just Engineering? Remember, when you are admitted, you are admitted to a specific school/program (ex. my admissions letter admitted me to the LSM program). While you are obviously accepted into the University as a whole, part of Penn’s culture is the individual schools, too. So I guess my question would be, what would your likely letter be saying? That you are admitted to just one school? Because I can’t see Penn saying that you’ve been admitted to the University as a whole…rather, when you get the likely letter, you probably know you’re going to be admitted to the specific undergraduate school/program you applied to (ex. Wharton, Nursing, Engineering, CAS, etc.).</p>
<p>Well they could accept you into the college you applied to as your second choice. However, that would be a bit odd if you then got an acceptance in late March to M&T.</p>
<p>Does anyone know M&T’s yield rate? I doubt they need to send likely letters to bump it up.</p>
<p>what is M&T?</p>
<p>@mokarney: [THE</a> JEROME FISHER PROGRAM IN MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY](<a href=“Home - Jerome Fisher Program in Management & Technology”>Home - Jerome Fisher Program in Management & Technology)</p>
<p>M&T gives likely letters. Got one last year.</p>
<p>Is it a bad sign if you’re a M&T applicant and you don’t get contacted for an interview?</p>
<p>They try to interview everyone based on a regional basis. Not getting contacted for an interview will not count against you.</p>