<p>Curious if they accept any, & if so, has anyone from here ever been accepted as a transfer from a community college?</p>
<p>I guess they are very low on accepting transfers.</p>
<p>I have no idea but i certainly hope so… im from a california CC and intend on applying for fall 2014!! I really dont see why not… if you have a solid college gpa, great ec’s, and write an outstanding personal statement, it really shouldnt matter if youre from a cc</p>
<p>I’m applying for Fall 2014 as well. Current GPA is 3.92, PTK, Honors Classes, Who’s Who, Sigma Kappa Delta…hopefully they will consider me.</p>
<p>Yes! They do! I attended Joliet Junior College (in Illinois) and I received my acceptance letter for Fall 2013 two days ago :)</p>
<p>Transfer of credits are a little tough though. Notre Dame is very specific with the required coursework. I’m a rising Junior and according to them I’ll be a rising sophomore . I’ll also have to re-take some simple gen-eds if I go. I suppose the caliber of their education is that much greater than a CC’s lol. I mainly had problems with my humanities courses (some were taken online and they didn’t accept those classes).</p>
<p>Anyway, here are some quick stats!</p>
<p>Random info: 19, female, biology major (looking to become a veterinarian).
CC GPA: 3.74
ACT/SAT: 29, 1920
Activities: CZS Internship, Research assistant for the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, JJC Chamber Choir, Drama Club, Humane Society, Lead Animal Caretaker at Anderson Tree Farm.
Awards: PTK, Honors Program, Student Commencement Speaker at Graduation</p>
<p>Good luck to you all !</p>
<p>Chimikins congratulations & thanks for sharing!!! I’d have no problem taking some classes over, unless they were math classes. It’s encouraging to hear someone did make it to ND via transfer from a CC.</p>
<p>hello! i am planning to apply to ND for fall 2014! @ chimikins how many years of community college did u take? and as a transfer, did they ask u for your sat scores? and where they really relevant? i have a 3.78 GPA and i am transferring after my associates. i never took my sats as i knew i was going to a community college and now its too late to take them, they wont even allow it. also did anyone in your family attend ND in the past?</p>
<p>Rudy! Rudy! Rudy! (He transferred from somewhere?)</p>
<p>@ iguzman</p>
<p>I went to a community college for two years ! I actually graduated with my associate in science too! They didn’t really take the “whole package”, lol. It’s not that bad though, after they processed my transfer of credit I’m really like a semester behind. Summer classes will be able to bring me up to speed. Also, the classes I have to take were classes that I really didn’t learn much in. Strange. I don’t know how they managed to fish out those specific classes. As weird as it sounds I’m kind of happy about that. I get to actually learn some things about physics, philosophy, and literature lol.</p>
<p>I did take my SATs while I was at my CC. I can’t really recall if they required that I take them or not. You should sign up for some exams this upcoming fall. I think that taking the exam is a good idea, you just might score higher on the exam. Also, are you sure that it’s too late? Each school has a cut off date for their last acceptable SAT exam. For most of the schools I applied to transfer the cut off date was Jan 1st (meaning that you can submit an SAT score that you took before Jan 1st). Call Notre Dame and check because I could have sworn that they had something similar to that. Though it might have changed/ been a different school.</p>
<p>Oh the application process… it seemed so long ago. So stressful! But so worth it .</p>
<p>Nope! No legacy ! No one in my family ever went! I think that my extra curricular activities and essay really helped lol. I’m still surprised I got in! </p>
<p>Good luck to all of you applying and getting ready this upcoming school year ! Message me if you have any more questions! I was really lost when I was applying, I would’ve liked someone to help! I’d want you guys to have someone to talk to