Does this screw me over?

<p>I applied for fall 09 and chose Econ as my major. I'm OOS... Apparently Econ is very popular... will this diminish my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>im oos and i applied engineering…
i considered picking l&s because admissions are less competitive but its not what i wanted.
apply for the major you want, its not like cal is the only place to go. im sure youll end up somewhere great, and hopefully berkeley
youd always wish youd done econ if you did something else and ended up at cal but not it your choice major
congrats on submitting!</p>

<p>they admit students based on the college you’re applying to with your major. Econ is in the college of arts and sciences so you’ll be competing against everyone who applied for a major there, not just economics ppl.</p>

<p>actually econ is an impacted major meaning the spots for the particular major are limited</p>

<p>the above posters are incorrect. Cal L&S does NOT consider intended major for Frosh applicants, only transfers.</p>



<p>google is your friend</p>

<p><a href=“;amp;navid=N[/url]”>;amp;amp;navid=N&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;