Does UF round up GPAs?

<p>Does anybody know if UF ISIS rounds up gpa? After my first semester, my gpa is 2.97, and I know we need a 3.0 in order to keep our 100% brightfuture scholarship, Im just wondering if anybody know is ISIS round the gpa to 2 digits, or will it show up at 2.97?</p>

<p>Nevermind, brightfuture reevaluates GPA every academic year, not every semester.</p>

<p>no, it is usually an absolute cutoff</p>


<p>how do you like uf so far?</p>

<p>Your reported GPA just shows the first three digits of:</p>

<p>GPA = (Total grade points earned)/(Total UF hours carried)</p>

<p>The numerator and denominator both increase over time as you earn more credits. Your GPA is recaculated each semester, so there is no accumulated roundoff error.</p>

<p>Did you calculate your GPA, I can't find my GPA on ISIS (I got all As my first semester, so it's a 4.00, but I'd like to see it), or did you find it on ISIS?</p>

<p>It's up on ISIS now. It's under Cumulative GPA/Hrs, the very first thing under the My Records heading. For me it looks like this.</p>

<p>GPA and Hours Information
Total Credits Earned 44.0<br>
Total Grade Points Earned 56.0<br>
Cumulative UF GPA 4.00<br>
Total UF Hours Carried 14.0</p>

<p>Gr8, so you got an A in PHY2060 too? PM me how your exams went.</p>

<p>I don't know what happened with the final since I didn't stay around long enough to get it, but from the looks of it, it was definitely a 51 or above.</p>

<p>So you had an 84.5 average for 2 of the exams? I got a 64 on exam 1, 90 on exam 2, and a 83 on exam 3. Nice job on the exams though.
I needed a 47.</p>

<p>My grade basically went:
HW: 100
Exam 2: 90
Exam 3: 83
Final: 47+</p>

<p>Final grade: Probably around 355/400...that class probably had the hardest exams I've ever seen in my life too, btw.</p>

<p>Are you going to PHY2061? I don't think I am.</p>

<p>Also, does anyone know if like next semester or sometime I get a B+ (God forbid) and I get a GPA like 3.976, would that become a 3.98 on ISIS or a 3.97, so basically, does UF truncate at 3 sig figs?</p>

<p>Total Credits Earned 50.0<br>
Total Grade Points Earned 80.0<br>
Cumulative UF GPA 4.00<br>
Total UF Hours Carried 20.0 </p>


<p>lol, you know you're on CC when everyone has 4.0s</p>

<p>wow I have a 4.0 too</p>

<p>I got 78 on exam 1, 91 on exam 2, and 68 on exam 3, and 100 on homework. Looking back, I probably should've gotten an 80-something on test 3 since that test wasn't all that difficult, I just had a hard time trying to figure out what was being asked/what was going on (#2 and #9 come to mind)
Overall, I don't regret taking that class, since it's shown me how much I don't know about mechanics, and it's been more intellectually stimulating than my other classes (When your calc 3 class is open book-open notes, it's pretty easy not to do much for that class. The real challenge came in trying to learn how to use the material taught around test time. BTW, I suggest getting my teacher if anybody's interested in an easy calc 3 class, it is an honors class however.) </p>

<p>And I am going to PHY2061 because right now I''m thinking about doing electrical engineering, so learning the basics at an advanced level would be good for me in the long run. </p>

<p>Lol, I hope I can still get a 4.0 next semester, with all these hard classes I'm taking.</p>

<p>What's your next semester schedule, I think mine is going to be this:</p>

<p>CHM2051 (Honors General Chemistry 2)
CHM2046L (General Chemistry 2 Lab)
BSC2010 (General Biology 1)
BSC2010L (General Biology 1 Lab)
IDH3931 (Honors Biomedical Ethics)
ANT2410 (Cultural Anthropology)</p>

<p>Also, who was your Calculus 3 professor? Oh, and do you have any other course recommendations?</p>

<p>Right now it's
MHF3202 (Sets and Logic)
MAP2302 (Diff Eq)
ACG2021C (Intro to Financial Accounting)
PHY2061 (Honors Physics 2)
PHY2049L (Physics 2 Lab)
STA4321 (Intro to Probability)</p>

<p>I'm also considering an actuarial science minor so that explains ACG2021C and STA4321. </p>

<p>Here my professor's page if you want to look at how he conducts his classes (He did teach regular calc 3 last semester, and it's harder than honors calc 3 because they got quizzes while we didn't)</p>

<p>Jindrich</a> Zapletal</p>

<p>Also here's a grade distribution for an exam, to get an idea of how the class is
[url=<a href=""&gt;]Exam?1?grades?and?statistics[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>

<p>And if you have only one major in mind, I think your schedule is fine the way it is, with the pre-med courses + diversity credit.</p>