Does UNC look at high schoolers on a 6.0 scale?

<p>I've heard you need a 4.5 to get in, and I just wanted to know if that was on a 5 or 6 point scale. 5 being honors classes and 6 being AP classes. </p>


<p>Sounds like my high school. Bob Jones ftw xD</p>

<p>Bob Jones Academy? That is the most uptight, conservative school I have ever seen! lol</p>

<p>Many NC public schools use the system the OP described, so for the most part UNC uses that scale, but they are much more holistic than that and they evaluate each applicant in their own context and use other factors like class rank, recs, essays, activities, etc. GPA can only tell you so much, especially since it varies from school to school.</p>


You’ve heard wrong.</p>

<p>Yeah, they recalculate applicants’ GPAs on a 6-pt scale (6 being A in AP, 5 being A in honors). The average is something like 4.5, but there is no requirement or anything like that.</p>

<p>^^ Bob Jones High…</p>

<p>Yeah, I know this post was in February, but here are the official stats from the site:</p>

<p>Average incoming freshman’s GPA (of 2010) on a 6.0 scale is a 4.47. Doesn’t mean you need at least a 4.5 to get in, though. Guidance counselor I asked who called the office of admissions said that 4.5+ GPA means you have a pretty GOOD chance of getting in, though there is always the person with the 4.9 or 5.0 that has no extracurriculars and are deferred or denied admission. 4.3-4.4 = generally good chances, though I know A TON of people who were deferred who had GPAs in that range. Good luck though.</p>