Does Virginia Tech Convert the ACT scores to SAT?

<p>IF they do can someone give me a chart or calculator or tell me what my scores are?
Math: 23
English: 20
I am using this chart to convert my act to sat:
Convert</a> ACT to SAT - How to Convert SAT Scores to ACT Scores
I am not sure if its the most accurate though</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>VTech’s common data set (the last one published is for 2011-2012 says </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>that the 25th percentile of admitted students had CR:540, M:570 and W:540. Based on a quick conversion of your ACT, your scores fall well below the typically admitted student at VTech. Thus, I think you should consider it a high reach (i.e. extreme low probability of admit) at this point on your list of targeted schools. Good luck</p>

<p>VT is the only school I know of that will mix and match your SAT and ACT to create a super score between the two, taking the highest from either format. Keep in mind that VTs admissions are stat based, regional (i.e. very competitive coming out of the 703), and competition also depends on the school you apply to with greatest competition being in engineering and architecture. If you are applying to general studies from rural Va it’s a different ballgame. The Common Data Set averages all of these, so doesn’t give a true picture for the architecture applicant from NoVa (who can be rejected with stats at the 75th%tile) or the gen’l studies applicant from rural Va (who might be accepted with stats below the 25th%tile).</p>

<p>Your best source of information is going to be your GC who can tell you what previous successful applicants to VT have looked like from your hs as far as scores, gpa, and course rigor based on which department you are applying to. Best of luck.</p>