Does VT consider GPA at the end of junior year or 1st semester of senior year? HELP!

<p>I'm currently a junior and will be applying next year. I was wondering if VT considers my GPA at the end of Junior year or my GPA at the end of 1st semester of senior year??</p>

<p>I know this is a really noob-like question, but i just want to get this cleared up.</p>

<p>From what I remember, you will probably make your initial application with your junior year grades - but they do require a midyear report that would have your first semester of senior year’s grades on it.</p>

<p>They consider the first semester of your senior year if you apply regular decision. There’s likely a little bit more weight to your Junior year though.</p>

<p>wait so by the end of this year im prolly gonna come out w/ 4.1 W gpa (NOVA)…senior year i am taking 5 aps…SO IF i get all A’s senior year it would help my chances because of an upwards trend? is this right or am i reading too much into senior year grades?</p>

<p>They do a final grade transcript. So if you were waitlisted, and then your final grades showed a huge improvement, then it’d look good. Other way around, if your in, and your final grades are horrible, it’d look bad.</p>



<p>That’s a great GPA :slight_smile: My opinion is that you try as hard as you can senior year first quarter. If you are applying regular decision, they WILL see those grades and they do matter. You’ve come this far… don’t slack off now :smiley: </p>

<p>Also, assuming you get accepted… try not to get anything lower than a B-! my friend got accepted (this year) and got a C- in his AP class and they sent him a letter telling him that if his grades continued to slip they would consider taking back his acceptance. </p>

<p>Also, like awilly said, you’ll never know if you’re going to be waitlisted or not.</p>

<p>You don’t have to work so hard from here on. Take it easy man. Instate, a 4.1W is more than enough. There is no reason to take 5 APs as a senior, unless you just love doing homework and studying or something. Many people from my high school got in with around a 3.7+ W GPA and 1200ish SATs. Tech only looks at math and reading apparently. When you submit your SAT scores, only the math and reading ones come up on the app status page.</p>

<p>Also to answer your question, they’ll look at both GPAs.</p>

<p>Taking a good number of AP classes, especially Calculus and Physics/Chemistry is really helpful because you get rid of a large amount of prerequisite classes. Obviously you can still take these classes in college if you really want to, but it’s nice to have more opportunities and and not have to worry about taking a CLE (general ed) class every semester.</p>

<p>Your GPA is great, don’t put so much emphasis on that and concentrate on enjoying your final year of high school and getting good scores on your AP classes.</p>