Senior Year Grades?

<p>After Junior Year, my GPA is around a 3.7-3.75 W, but after the first semester of senior year according to my calculations it would be 3.88. Would VT see my senior grades for the first semester even if the deadline is January 15th and the first semester will end January 28th? I am going for engineering and my ACT is 30</p>

<p>Since you’re applying regular decision, most likely yes. You will submit the transcript including your first-semester grades to Virginia Tech after the Jan 15 deadline. Ask your school for more details.</p>

<p>I think you should be fine because your initial GPA is not that low either. And your ACT score is pretty good too. I’ve seen students here got in the Engineer program with 3.6ish. And as the above comment, yea, schools will look at your first semester of senior year</p>

<p>Your GC is responsible for sending your mid-year report in February ( [Dates</a> and Deadlines | Applying as a Freshman](<a href=“]Dates”> ). Your application, which will include a current transcript as of the time you apply, may be read once prior to the mid-year report arriving depending on when you apply, but it will be taken into consideration before a final decision is made.</p>