Does VT ever rescind?

I was accepted into general engineering for the Fall 2015 semester, and I am a little worried about being rescinded because of my slight drop in grades. The following should be my final grades for Spring.

English 242 - A

Differential Equations - A

Physics with applied calculus II - B

Statics - C

Should I be worried about that C in Statics? Will Virginia Tech revoke my admission for earning a C since I am an engineering major? At this point it would be really hard to bring that to a B.

You should try to bring it up, but regardless you will be fine. Takes much more than 1 C in a class that is not directly tied to your major to the offer revoked.

I don’t know if VT is the same, but at my school Statics was a required first year Engineering Science course for all eng majors.

When I transferred a few years ago, I was at risk for getting a C- in a bio class and a C in a required 3000 level in major class. I called about it and they were only concerned about the C- in bio, even though it was only a CLE class and not in-major. They said they would rescind my admission if I got any Ds or Fs or if my overall GPA for the semester dropped under 2.0. I think they grant transfer credit for Cs or above, but I would just call to be sure - admissions was really helpful whenever I talked to them after I got admitted.

VT has a “special” Engineering Stat class this is usually taken during Spring of Sophomore year.

I think Statics counts as an in major class for me. On VT’s website for transfers, it says they can rescind for any grade lower than a C, however, in the acceptance packet that they mailed to me it says the offer may be rescinded for any grade below a B in classes that count towards the major. I’m not sure if this is just to scare, but either way I am still kinda worried.