Does VT have a good business school?

<p>Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me out and let me know how VT's Business School is considered? I am interested in applying to VT, and Business would probable be what I would major in.</p>

<p>Ha…Better learn to spell check…ha.
The Business School is considered very good and I saw firsthand how they really guide their students through orientation and class signups. I didn’t see that quite so clearly with
engineering but that was partially because we had not done our homework and didn’t have a clue what was going on. It is a good school but big…only drawback I see so far.</p>

<p>I was at VT for 5 years 2005-2010 and each year we moved between 36th and 40th in the USNWR rankings. Since there are ~520 AACSB (the top accreditation a school can receive) undergraduate business programs, we are easily in the Top 10% for any ranking you can possibly think of. </p>

<p>Of particular and personal note, our accounting program is Tier 1 from an employment perspective. We get all the Top 10 firms in the nation.</p>