<p>I recently was accepted to cal poly slo for early decision for business administration. I plan to do a concentration in marketing within this major, but now i am questioning if its the right major. I want to become a wedding/event planner and marketing seemed the best choice and event planning was even listed under possible careers with that major on cal poly’s website. But recently i found that cal poly has a major of park, recreation, and leisure that you can do a concentration in event planning in. Whats the major that would be best? Would either work? I was thinking of doing marketing and just taking electives from the park and rec major that have to do with event planning or just minoring in it since i cant really change my major now. Opinions?</p>
<p>I would say the Business Admin degree with a Marketing concentration would be a good major for a wedding and event planner. Especially if you end up working in a corporate events department in a company - a business degree will probably weigh more than the parks, recreation, leisure degree. I have a business degree (Chico), am a marketing consultant and also do events sometimes. In my experience and IMO, the business degree would be best for your area of concentration. My daughter was also recently accepted to Cal Poly Biz and will most likely do a marketing concentration. She is thinking about a corporate sales career.</p>
<p>Thanks for your input. I was thinking the marketing would also be good because their are so many career options just in case i change my mind. But do you still think it would be best even if i don’t do the corporate side of event planning?</p>
<p>Definately do marketing in the Business school, versus Parks, Rec, which is too too specific. Marketing is a much broader and more versital major. And I doubt you would need the Agriculture, outdoor slant of the other major.</p>
<p>I graduated (many moons ago) with a Business degree and marketing minor, and went into Fashion Merchandising/Retail, and always felt much better prepared and qualified because of my business degree. Long term it is a great degree to have.</p>
<p>Thanks for sharing. Im glad that marketing will be a better major. I was getting nervous that i had chosen the wrong direction in major for my career. I agree with not wanting to do all the other stuff that goes along with the tourism and rec major because im not interested in that type of stuff at all. Plus i think business will be good to have if i end up running my own event planning business</p>
<p>CalPolytobe - good point about business being useful if you end up running your own event planning business someday. You are making the right choice.</p>