Dont know what major to pick?

<p>I have no older friends/siblings/cousins/parents that went to college (parents are immigrants) so I dont have anyone to help give me advice you wouldn’t get from schools/online</p>

<p>I’m applying to a NYC Cuny school and its forcing me to pick a cirricculum choice (with day or evening option). I dont know what to choose, hell, I dont what I want to major in</p>

<p>I thought in college its possible you can take general courses and decide major later on? I dont want to force myself to take something that ends up being a complete waste of time! If I’m not mistaken, if I dont know what degree major I’m going to pursue, I can just choose ‘Liberal Arts’? Thats gives you the general credits and forced courses you need outside of your major? I’m applying to CUNY Baruch in manhattan, thanks!</p>

<p>Allow me to further clarify:</p>

<p>I’m not directly asking what major to pick, I’m more so asking what “cirriculum choice” to pick so I can avoid making a decision on a major that I’ll end up switching</p>

<p>I’m young, I dont quite know what career ambitions I want to further pursue and I’m not interested at the moment in hearing suggestions</p>

<p>I’m moving this to the Baruch forum. You could also ask on the NY state schools forum.</p>

<p>Looking at the Baruch website:</p>

<p>[Academics</a> - Baruch College](<a href=“]Academics”>Academic Degree Programs - Baruch College)</p>

<p>It looks like unless you are interested in business or public affairs, you would apply to the School of LA. This is pretty common as many disciplines are included under LA. And yes, most schools give you until late soph/early jr year to choose a major.</p>

<p>I’m not familiar specifically with Baruch and am just going off the website and previous experience, so I’m sure other members can help you more.</p>

<p>Best of luck and keep asking questions!</p>

<p>I’m only going to Baruch because most of my friends are there. I live in NYC so I’m going to apply to CUNY schools</p>

<p>From my understanding, this is what is required from somone to graduate with Bachelors degree that you have to take no matter what your major is:</p>

<p>-1 semester math
-1-3 semesters English
-1-2 semesters History
-1-2 semester foreign language
-1-2 semesters social science (psych, sociology, media studies)
-1-2 semesters of science</p>

<p>So I guess liberal arts isnt mandatory if it isnt your major? If so, then I guess I have no choice but to take a cirriculum related to one of these subjects and it’ll cover me from having to take it in the future?</p>

<p>Thanks for switching my thread, now I know I wont get replies, lol. Should’ve never mentioned the specific college</p>

<p>^Those are what are commonly called general education requirements/core requirements. The vast majority of colleges have a list of general requirements like this to give you a background in many fields, it helps to give you a better understanding of each of these disciplines and lead you to a major. So say within History, there will be many possible classes to choose from, you could chose to study Ancient history or East Asian history or Women’s history, etc. for your 1-2 classes.</p>

<p>While some schools have something they call a ‘liberal arts’ major, it’s usually category that includes many disciplines. At Baruch, you could major or minor in any of these fields within the LA school:</p>

<p>[Areas</a> of Study - Weissman School of Arts and Sciences - Baruch College](<a href=“]Areas”></p>

<p>I see that the member taxguy is active on this forum, you can count on him and others to give you good advice.</p>

<p>Stop worrying about your major at this point. Most people change majors in college anyway. Take a variety of courses to see what interests you, which is one reason why there are broad gen eds. You might also want to take a vocational interest test as well that is probably given by your school counselor or might be found at college. Just relax and enjoy the process.</p>