<p>Well it's been a long winter for all of this forum and finally I heard from Lake Forest. Apparently, I have been accepted to Lake Forest Academy (got a big package:) from them ) but since I am considered to be an international student (I live in U.S but parents do not pay taxes here) I therefore got a very low FA/grant and would be almost impossible to attend LFA. Since my sibling is going off to college, our family desperately need a big FA. Should I look at the acceptance in LFA as a positive or a negative? And since I am applying to big endowment BS such as NMH, do you think I will get a big loan in big boarding schools? are there any kinds of way to get a bigger grant from LFA? Thank you ahead and wish all of you guys my luck.</p>
<p>Congratulation you at first.</p>
<p>I might be in the same situation too. I am an international student and we need huge financial aid</p>
<p>Do your parents live in US too ?</p>
<p>She should definitely contact your school's financial aid office, explain the situation, and nicely ask them to reconsider your grant. If it's not your top choice, then wait to hear from the other schools first. If it is, then get on it right away!</p>
<p>I didn't realize boarding schools would tell you acceptance information before March 10th. Congratulations! It's a good sign that at least one school wants you (and I am sure more will as well!). i agree w/ Jumpstartzoe, have your parents contact LFA and see if the FA package can be increased. It will probably take a few weeks for the school to know if they can give you more money or not, and in the meantime, you will receive your letters from the other schools you applied to. Good luck! What country are you from?</p>
<p>Dont feel sad )-: , feel glad (-:! Call the FA office and teel them about your situation, im sure they will understand.</p>
<p>While you go an acceptance, I'm still sitting here wondering and ponder with these "what if's"? </p>
<p>What to dooo? Like everyone else said, I think you should contact the Financial Aid office and ask them about maybe increasing your grant. </p>
<p>;) Hope everything works out</p>
<p>If you get a higher amount of FA from NMH, you can ask LFA if they can match it. Students on here did that last year.</p>
<p>congrats (:
at least you got accepted in there, and I'm pretty sure that the FA office would understand, and you'll probably get SOME kind of good result from calling them :D</p>
<p>Then again, what do I know =/</p>
If you get a higher amount of FA from NMH, you can ask LFA if they can match it. Students on here did that last year
From what I've heard, it is a big no-no to mention an aid amount from another school. A friend of mine called a school and told them they were her daughter's first choice but that the package wasn't enough and was there anything that could be done (it was in fact much lower than another school). They did raise it (this was indeed a top tier school) and later told her that it was a good thing she didn't continue on and say how much she had gotten elsewhere as they have an agreement not to compete for students that way.</p>
<p>I would wait until you get the other replies. THEN, you can call your top choice if it's not enough and see what they say.</p>
<p>Congrats on the acceptance!</p>
<p>How much can you contribute a year ? How much FA do you need.</p>
<p>To be honest, our family can contribute only about 7000/year. I did write like that on PFS. I am applying for Peddie and an international student too. Do I have any chance of getting a good package of FA ?</p>
<p>to be hones nns91 your stats are quite low for example your psat scores but, you seem to come from a unique place so you have a shot of acceptance with a package</p>
<p>I didn't send my PSAT score. Do you make a mistake ?</p>
<p>Thank you for all of your help, I didn't expect this many replies :) . My family can contribute only so much and, again, my brother is going to college so his part in scholarships will have a role on my future as well. I have to say that this acceptance did help me in confidence :). ONLY 11 more days!!</p>
<p>Did you applying anywhere else besides LFA and NMH?</p>
<p>Only one other place, Episcopal High School in Virginia. I'm hoping for a big grant there as well.</p>