Dorm Housing at the Brand-New East Edge Apartments

<p>On the subject of East Edge offering to break a lease to allow a student to move elsewhere, are they also offering to pay for the moving expenses and to compensate the student for lost time during the move? If not, there is certainly more East Edge could do. And while we are on the subject of what more EAst Edge could have done, they could have and should have brought in more cleaning staff this past weekend and on Monday and Tuesday but they didn’t. They could have brought in more competent people to install appliances, but they didn’t. They could have brought in more quality control staff to check apartments, but they didn’t.</p>

<p>Believe me, I understand the frustration. We had several issues when my daughter moved in and were right there in the middle of the chaos on the first move in day. Could it have been handled better? Absolutely. I’m a very organized person who thrives on planning, structure, and detail. I can assure you that I would have handled the appliance, cleaning, and furniture much differently. I would have been more customer service oriented with distributing keys, forming the move in line, and providing information. I’ve shared my concern, criticism, and some ideas for improvement with both local and corporate officials. I completely understand the frustration felt by parents and students alike. What I disagree with is the behavior of some who were pointing fingers in faces of employees of the complex and adding to the chaos by displaying their own bad/inappropriate behavior. My goal has been to have issues resolved, and I don’t feel that helped anyone.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what the position of the complex would be about repaying moving expenses, but it would be something I’d ask if I or my child was truly unhappy. I do know they provided hotels, storage units, paid expenses, etc. to those who asked. I heard them promise to allow students to get out of their leases without penalty if they wished to do so. We had many issues that have been resolved already, but it took time, patience, and persistence. We still have a few issues that remain to be resolved, but for the most part they are cosmetic or minor issues. I haven’t pushed for them yet because I realize it was more important to get everyone in first…those are my words and not theirs. Yes, the ball was dropped and no, things didn’t go as they should. I’m simply trying to make the best of what the situation is for now as we work to have the issues resolved. Despite the obstacles and inconveniences we’ve faced, we are extremely pleased with our daughter’s new apartment. The location is great for her and the complex is beautiful. I cannot say for sure, but I read an email someone posted about the intent to hire an additional cleaning service to clean the remaining units. I’m sorry if that didn’t happen or if others are finding, as we did, that their unit wasn’t clean. That certainly shouldn’t be the case and isn’t acceptable at all. I spent several hours cleaning my daughter’s floors before they came and waxed them again. What I can tell you is that my daughter is seeing progress in resolving the issues she listed and for that I am grateful. I cannot expect them to go back and change what happened. As difficult as it is to accept, that isn’t realistic. I have made my expectations clear, however, that I will not accept this going forward. My daughter completed her walk thru checklist as you would expect to do in a new home and we followed up when necessary. As long as we are making progress, I am satisfied that they are trying to resolve the issues. I hope others experience will be the same.</p>

<p>Reading some of these posts, I was very worried about my daughter’s move in this past Sunday. She is living there as part of the overflow scholarship housing through University Housing and is not on a direct lease with East Edge. I’m pleased to report that everything about the move went very smoothly. It is almost as if she is living in a different place than being discussed in some of these posts.</p>

<p>Check in was run by University Housing and it was as efficient as always. There were no issues with checking in and getting keys. The personnel at the apartments (both those from the University and those employed by East Edge) were friendly and helpful. Though I had been prepared for the possibility of needing to do extensive cleaning based on the posts here, we found the apartment was very clean, though there are some paint splatters on the floor near the entry, which we reported on the move in condition report. All the appliances were fully assembled and worked. </p>

<p>We weren’t able to find parking at the time of her move in – but since we brought our own home grown crew of move in helpers, we double parked and had our car unpacked even faster than last year’s Lakeside move in – and this year’s helper’s didn’t need to be tipped – though they did ask to go to breakfast once they had their sister’s boxes upstairs! The complex and individual apartment are beautiful and I cannot believe that my daughter has such a great place to live. </p>

<p>I’m sorry that others are having issues – clearly there is an advantage to having moved into the building that was the first to be completed and having waited until Sunday – which was the first date that was officially offered to students who are in the complex through University Housing. I am sure that by the time next year’s move in rolls around, the process will go much more smoothly. I can only hope that the University offers my daughter the option to stay in this fabulous complex until she graduates and I hope that others who are having problems find their issues quickly resolved so that they, too, can be happy with their living situation.</p>

<p>Well said. We, too, are extremely pleased to be at East Edge. Although we did have issues, they have worked diligently to take care of them. We anticipate this being home to our daughter for the next few years and for her sisters in coming years. We are very pleased for her to call it home.:)</p>

<p>I’m glad you had a good experience.</p>

<p>There are kids on the 4 th and 5th floors without any appliances. I know I have talked to them. Today the cable is on and finally has internet. I think he is smart enough to plug in a TV Honey.
I handle things my way and you handle things your way. I usually get things done.
Yes they gave a $200 gift card, but that will only cover the gas home and back. You wasn’t in a hotel for 6 days like some of these kids and some of them didn’t have a car.
I bet if you had to stay in a hotel for 6 days, living out of your car you wouldn’t be all chipper.</p>

<p>From your post, “Remember we all paid in advance, 6 months at least. They have our money!! No cable and no internet to do homework!! Not only the carpet is filthy he has asthma and the air filter doors have freaking locks on them!”</p>

<p>Residents were not required to pay six month rent or more. Perhaps you did, but the rest of us didn’t unless it was by choice. There is cable, and the locks are on the thermostats, not the filter doors. They couldn’t lock them and require the residents to change the filters, which they do according to the written agreement we signed before moving in.</p>

<p>As I said, I’m sorry you are unhappy, but they’ve stated they would allow residents out of their leases without penalty. As for the television, I don’t recall saying anyone wasn’t “smart enough to plug in a tv.” I, for one, was too tired after all of the chaos to think of reprogramming the television, so it was a suggestion of something to try. </p>

<p>I do not believe East Edge or EDR is the enemy either. They really had nothing to gain in this situation. I read your exchange with other posters above regarding grammar. You’ll notice I wasn’t one of the posters who pointed out your grammar usage…that’s because from time to time I find myself posting something grammatically incorrect or misspelled. I did, however, feel the need to correct information that wasn’t correct. The posters on this board can be very helpful if you allow them to be. </p>

<p>I read the statement from EDR regarding some units not having all or some of the appliances. They stated that if it was necessary, they would make arrangements or have them in by the weekend. It sounds like your son has his appliances.</p>

<p>We were provided a hotel until we were allowed to move in and a $100 gift card, not $200. Residents were told they would be provided a hotel, storage, and the gift card if they chose to accept it.</p>

<p>The move in for last Wednesday was scheduled for building 4. I wasn’t aware of anyone from building 3 scheduled to move in that morning. After everything we and others went through last Wednesday, I didn’t feel I was sitting pretty at all. What I did feel was dirty, smelly, exhausted, and at a loss for words. What I tried to do was to be rational, keep a cool head, and show compassion for those around me and those who were following this board with an interest in moving their child into their new home. I cannot and have not tried to tell you how you should feel or handle your son’s situation, but I will say I do not feel the need or see the benefit of turning this into a circus environment by emailing news stations or attacking anyone verbally. I witnessed some very childish and disrespectful behavior on the part of several parents on Wednesday which didn’t help anyone. If anything, it hindered the process. The men who were there were simply trying to do their job. They are fathers, husbands, and sons just like ours. There was very little they could do at that point other than to try to make the best of the situation which they did. I generally try to remember that although I may be angry or upset, I am responsible for my actions. My actions reflect upon me, my husband, my children, my community, and my faith. I want to be a part of a solution and not an addition to the problem…that’s something the UA embraces as well. I tried my best to remember how the tornado victims must have felt when they realized they’d lost so much. Although it was inconvenient and chaotic on Wednesday, unlike the tornado victims, I knew we would eventually be in a beautiful apartment or be free to make other arrangements. It provided some perspective for me when I needed it to ground me and kept my feelings in check. I’m very sorry you are so upset and hope you find a resolution that makes you and your son happy.</p>

<p>Would you like me to show you the canceled check. I wrote a check of 4710. I didnt go thru the university and that was the terms they wanted from us!! My nephew and his friends had to do the same. So you do not know everyting then , do you??</p>

<p>Oh, and I was also informed that residents of building 3 were being provided free rent for September.:)</p>

<p>Kudos to those who continue to operate in the spirit we of the Crimson Tide, have always enjoyed.</p>

<p>A reminder to those who are so upset: when you are home and your kids are at UA, it has been demonstrated that the staff of UA, the students at UA, and in particular, individuals on CC, rise to help us OOS folk - and that has been proven, especially during the near miss of the tornado. </p>

<p>Please take a deep breath. The tone you set is one that your child has to carry and, in the greater scheme, this is a serious inconvenience but no one has died or is in danger of doing so. Everyone is sorry for the hassle.</p>

<p>Well said, the student. Those are my thoughts as well.</p>

<p>Bamagirl- I agree wholeheartedly with your comments and reasoning. While it wasn’t what we expected at first, I do have to say EE and EdR have done there best to make the best of a difficult situation. While we waited in line for two and a half hours for keys to building 3, it was clear the people in charge were doing all they possibly could to remedy and improve the situation. In reply to one of the gracious ladies coming to update us on the process and the reasons for the extended wait, I thanked her and smiled. She almost broke out in tears. She said she had seen very few smiles in recent days. She had never felt so hated before this all happened. She said she really appreciated my kindness shown to her. It is clear more could have been done but there was no way to go backward and only strive to move forward, learning from the mistakes and improving the future. They are trying. It is much more evident when I was there getting my daughter settled and dealing with the chaos. But I hope I taught her how to deal with the storms that come in life with grace and extend patience to others no matter the circumstances. She still has a list of things that need to be done in her apartment but we were assured they would be taken care of. They have the priorities in order and no one priority will be forget. </p>

<p>I can say that the complex will be a great place to live once all the details are worked out. They were busy the whole time I was there. Lots of people working. And the workers were fearful people hated them but I assured them we are very thankful for them, their time spent working to get our kids moved in and the sacrificed time from their own families. </p>

<p>And while we were waiting all that time in line, we met her neighbors and made lots of new friends.</p>

<p>Thanks, Erholl. Like you, we are very happy to be at East Edge and believe EDR and East Edge is trying their hardest to take care of the needs of the residents.</p>

<p>I’m glad your daughter is getting settled and is happy. :)</p>

<p>Update: Work is still going on at East Edge. In regards to the reserved, covered parking area for residents who chose to pay the reserved fee, here is what is happening now:</p>

<p>Arrows are being painted on the concrete, and they should start the permanent numbering process on the spaces today while working around the cars. </p>

<p>Signage has been ordered to indicate the reserved parking area and towing of unauthorized vehicles.</p>

<p>Specific hang tags that denote which spot is designated for which resident’s car have been ordered to make it easy to identify which vehicles are authorized to park in the reserved area and in which spot.</p>

<p>Thanks, EdR and East Edge, for continuing to work to resolve issues and make this a great complex for students.</p>

<p>Just out of curiosity, can I ask if the Apartments provide a private cable tv system (as found on campus) or is it billed separately through Comcast, etc?</p>

<p>It is included.</p>