Dorm Housing at the Brand-New East Edge Apartments

Thank you! Haha that’s a thought!</p>

<p>Bamagirls, I talked to my son and he was telling me about the poor water pressure,slow internet, washing machines not working. Have you heard anything about these things?</p>

<p>Moved in yesterday and can confirm the low water pressure and virtually unusable internet. The latter seems to be temporary; someone posted on EE’s Facebook that they’re currently using temporary circuits and will migrate to permanent, good ones later this week. I plan to talk to someone tomorrow about the water pressure. I haven’t tried the washing machine yet.</p>

<p>Does each unit have a washer and dryer? </p>

<p>Are they not hooked up? or is this because of the permanent circuits not yet installed?</p>

<p>As for internet, I’m wondering if they will be using multiple routers like The Bluff does. </p>

<p>If they’re using AT&T as their internet provider, I can tell you from recent personal experience that I just went thru heck to get AT&T internet set up in my Tuscaloosa condo, but once it was (finally!) installed, it works well. First they only sent cables and no combo modem/router (which I paid for). Then I had to call AT&T back to tell them, and I got transferred around (and each time having to go thru “security check” to make sure they were talking to the actual customer, then finally getting someone who could approve to have “another” router/modem combo sent out without me being recharged. ha ha “another router”…the box they sent only had cables in it. Round and round it went. Can you tell that I now hate AT&T. At one point, they thought I was in Texas and after waiting forever on hold, got a person who then couldn’t help me because I wasn’t a Texas resident. That person tried to transfer me (again), and the call dropped…so, started over again. If my H hadn’t witnessed THAT one crazy phone call I doubt he would have believed me. </p>

<p>The troubles involved with the new Apt complex will likely be over soon. It can be like building a new home. When you first do he “walk thru,” you’ll have pages and pages of things tha the contractor still needs to fix/complete. Unfortunately with a complex built for students with a deadline tied to school starting, there wasn’t any margin of time to delay move-in which often happens with a new build. </p>

<p>I’m sure Bama Housing is quite upest with this private enterprise for not providing adequate information and updates when it (Bama) agreed to contract to put some scholarship students in the new private complex. It’s easy to assume that Bama could have had “Inside info” during the whole time, but it probably was very limited to what it was being told.</p>

<p>Yes, each unit is supposed to have a washer and dryer.</p>

<p>It did seem the water pressure in the bathroom sink was lacking. I’m not sure if it’s because of the type of faucet, ongoing constructions, or what. As for the appliances, if the machine is walking around the room as ours was it is likely they didn’t remove the packing bolts from the machine. It could also be that the circuit breaker is not on or the water to the machine is turned off. I would pretty much bet on the packing bolts still being attached. The heating elements were still tied to the bottom rack in the oven, too. The problem with our ice maker was that the water wasn’t turned on. Have your son grab the ear of one of the corporate guys and they’ll take care of the most pressing things like the washing machine. If he cannot find one in the office, he’ll find them around building 3. For the other items, be sure to include them on his walk thru list. We still have quite a few things on our list that need attention but could wait until building 3 opens… In regards to internet, we had to set up each device on the network which was frustrating, but her wifi was working. I didn’t try the ethernet.</p>

<p>I hope building 3 will open today and everyone can get settled in soon and everyone’s issues can be resolved quickly.</p>

<p>If the washer is “walking” then use a level and see if the unit is level. Check both directions front to back and side to side.</p>

<p>Yes, definitely check to see if the water valve isn’t turned of with the washer and ice-maker (behind the units). You do NOT want to be trying to make ice without any water…it will burn out the ice maker. Keep the ice maker lever up until you know water is flowing into the ice maker.</p>

<p>Yes, we also checked to see if they were level. Our daughter’s was doing a break dance. Upon looking at the back of the unit, we discovered the packing bolts hadn’t been removed. Their black and look similar to plastic stoppers bolted into the back. In regards to air quality, check the filter on your heating/air unit. Ours was covered in red dirt from construction. Their really odd sizes, too. We prefer to use the Filtrete Maximum Allergen filters at home since our daughter has asthma and allergies. Don’t waste your time looking for them on store shelves because they don’t carry them. I’ve been looking for a place to order them and finally came across a wholesaler, C.C. Dickson, that can order the allergen/pleated filters in this odd size. If that doesn’t matter to you, the office provides the standard fiberglass filters upon request. I don’t think they had any yesterday though.</p>

<p>bamagirls, we had problems with our frontload doing the same thing, regardless of it being level. We bought these, and they work wonders. I have been amazed, honestly. And was very ready to send them back because of the cost if they did not work </p>

<p>[</a> Silent Feet - Anti-vibration Pads for Washing Machines and Dryers (Gen 2): Home Improvement](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>Thanks, Vlines. I’ll give them a try.:)</p>

<p>The move-in time for 5 today is still good! :slight_smile: Kimberly, the leasing manager, was very sweet and said they should be sending out another email before then. The CA’s were putting together buckets of cleaning supplies to try and help finish cleaning. She also showed me the model apartment, and it looks so nice!! Beautiful furniture and flooring. I hope everyone has a smooth move-in!! Good luck :)</p>

<p>Just got a text now it is going to be 5 30. And now we wait.</p>

<p>Finally my son has moved in. YAY!! You would think the people who was in charge of the appliances would have at least plugged them in and made sure everything worked so that they would have less work later.
Dirty he said. I am so glad I sent a box of cleaning supplies with him. Wish I was there.</p>

<p>My daughter just returned to her apartment and said it is a mad house. She’s hoping it clears out soon so she can park her car in her reserved spot before turning in for the night. She wasn’t able to find a parking space when she returned and she said people were standing around beneath the building. I’m happy for those who are finally moving in.</p>

<p>I bet it was. Maybe everyone will be out of the way soon. I’m sure it was everyone for themselves when they got a key. I am glad they had helpers there to help unloading since I can not go until Saturday.
His cousin and his friends came over and helped with the electronics and appliances. They have been there for a week and installing was a breeze. </p>

<p>Question: Did you get a side table for your bed? I thought it was included with the apartment.</p>

<p>Lets just hope everything goes smoothly from now on and everyone has a good night sleep. I know I will.
I hope all that was involved with this disaster, gets what is coming to them.</p>

<p>Well my room was very dirty, and it has a few minor cosmetic problems, but other than that it is great :slight_smile: there’s still a lot to be finished here though. </p>

<p>Sjack222: the bedside tables did not come with the apartment. I’m pretty sure all that came with the bedrooms was a bed, dresser, desk, and chair. </p>

<p>Does anyone know if we were supposed to have a box for the cable? Also, do the one bedrooms come with a recliner too, or just the couch?</p>

<p>No cable box. Just plug it into your TV. Unfortunately, it seems to be analog, and therefore standard def, only, which looks horrendous on my monitor. I’m going to get in touch with the cable company and see if there’s any way to get digital, even for a fee.</p>

<p>My son lives in a different apartment complex but I thought I might could provide some info on cable. He is paying $27.90 a month for one box, HD and a bunch of channels. He has Comcast cable. (There was a $50 deposit and I think there was a cheaper option too.)</p>

<p>I am so sick and tired of this!! My son is so unhappy. I think we all should e mail news channels and tell them of the crap they have had to endured. There are still students without any appliances and he is a lucky one. They are going to have to be pressured to finish. Remember we all paid in advance, 6 months at least. They have our money!! No cable and no internet to do homework!! Not only the carpet is filthy he has asthma and the air filter doors have freaking locks on them!!!</p>

<p>No, we didn’t pay six months in advance…anyone who did that did it at their own choosing. What building is your son in? I’m sorry you are unhappy, but some of your statements aren’t ringing true and it makes me question the intent of your posts. The locks are on the thermostats, not the filters. They will remove the box if you ask. There is satellite television in the units. Is your son’s not working? As for internet, my daughter also reported having issues last night. I’m planning to call about this first thing this morning. She had the same issue last year in the dorms when others began installing routers, game consoles, and the like on the wifi. If the carpet is dirty, they will clean it. They’ve promised to have the appliances in, by the weekend or earlier if it was necessary. It sounds like your sons’s unit has them? Has he spoken with anyone regarding the issues in his unit? Has he filed his walk thru list and requested the issues be corrected?</p>

<p>I’ll agree, everything didn’t go as it should have and there have been issues. Having said that, our goal was to have the issues corrected. You know the old saying, “You’ll catch more flies with honey.” They took care of lodging, storage, meals, etc. They’ve been working to resolve issues and get students into their units. I’m not sure what else I could ask.</p>

<p>If he is truly unhappy, I’m sure they will allow him to get out of his lease without a penalty. I heard them offer to a parent who was upset. If my child wasn’t happy and I had valid concerns that were not being addressed, that is exactly what I would do. You’ll find some of the other complexes are offering incentives and have openings. Good luck to you in resolving the situation.</p>

<p>In regards to television reception…Have you verified that cable was selected on your television set up? Have you tried reprogramming the television after connecting it? We forgot at first, but once we did this our television has a decent picture and is receiving 74 channels…of course there is still nothing worth watching, but that’s not a reception problem. :)</p>