<p>can non honor students apply for honor dorms or is limited to only honor students?</p>
<p>Being "within walking distance" of campus doesn't compare to being right on campus, imho. No, I believe you need to receive an Honors Scholarship to live in the honors dorm.</p>
<p>The Callaway house is mostly freshmen.<br>
How can signing a lease to Callaway house reduce your chance of a scholarship?</p>
<p>Apparently some scholarships require you to live on campus in a TAMU dorm.</p>
<p>well then you could forfit your deposit of $175 for the scholarship</p>
<p>What scholarships require you to live in a dorm?</p>
<p>the commons, for sure. coed.</p>
<p>the commons is nice.
i heard its really fun and make lots of friends.</p>
<p>kruger and mosher (the commons) are nothing spectacular, but they are where I would want to live because of location. If you want a nicer dorm, go to the callaway house off campus.</p>
<p>Im living in Dunn in the commons and i enjoy it because its a great place to meet people from my experiance living on nirthside you dont really meet anyone.</p>
<p>IMHO, if you are thinking Callaway House you might as well get an off-campus apartment... It's cheaper.</p>
<p>do students prefer modular or the commons? my top three choices are mosher (cuz im majoring in engineering), wells, krueger...in order of preference. if anyone can shed some light on any of these dorms and if there are other dorms which would be better, please let me know.</p>
<p>actually, i would prefer to live in modular halls over the commons. which dorm do most like and stay in besides the honor dorms?</p>
<p>hobby and neely would be good, and they r quite 2 :)</p>
<p>hmm they are in the northside tho, what about the southside?</p>
<p>according to my brother who lives in the commons this year, apply to the commons halls in this order:
1. aston
2. krueger
3. dunn
4. mosher</p>
<p>and commons are by far the best on campus dorms</p>
<p>Anyone else have any opinions of dorms?</p>
<p>I do feel like the commons dorms are the best dorms but i feel that aston kreuger and dunn are about the same while mosher isnt as inviting it seesms. to many engineering students in one place.</p>
<p>i went with the southside modular dorms</p>
<p>Blem, I think I recall reading that you are majoring in engineering. Any reason why you didn't pick the engineering living learning community?</p>