Dorm question

<p>Do the RA's plan activites/trips for the floors? One of my good friends goes to Lehigh and I know that his RA was given a certain amount of money each month to take the floor out for various activites and trips. Like they would rent buses and go to movies and have everything paid for or they would take the whole floor to go to the mall for the day. They also have special nights where they would do activites in the dorm, like different social events.</p>

<p>I can’t speak for UM’s RAs, but at my last school the RAs had some money, but not that much. We spent it on floor shirts. However, we did do stuff as a floor sometimes like play flag football against other floors, go to bars, go to meals, watch movies, etc. I must say though that we were much closer than most floors (we determined that we were all the latest filling out our housing so we all had that slacker, dont give a ****, lazy, attitude). It really is not that much of a financial burden to do that kind of stuff out of pocket. Transportation around Miami should not be a problem.</p>

<p>Yes, most floors (at least in Stanford and Hecht) have activities planned on a monthly basis by their RA and AF. Such activities include Ice Skating, trips to the beach, trips to the Venetian Pools, and other fun stuff. There are also building-wide activities, and activities that some floors do in conjunction (I know that almost all activities that one substance free floor participates, all of them participate in; I assume other floors do it the same way).</p>

<p>And, yes, these activities are free. Kind of. You pay a deposit (like $5 or so), and get it back when you show up.</p>

<p>building wide activities include Miami Heat games, pizza parties, talent shows, florida Marlins game, fun activities like quiz night, or “how to spend less money”.</p>

<p>We also had Desmond Howard speak in our dorm</p>

<p>Thanks guys! thats exactly the type of activites i was inquiring about. I was worried about being bored / not bonding enough with my floor.</p>

<p>Went to see the musical Wicked last month for $5 with Hecht and Stanford. - What a deal!</p>