Dorm selection Presidential

<p>After reading all the threads on room selection, I am glad my D doesn’t have to go through that process, but I do have one question. Why does there seem to be so little interest in the Presidential dorms? Is it just that a lot of posters have honors kids? I have seen people asking about several of the other dorms, but very little on Presidential. Hopefully that doesn’t mean there are some issues with it. </p>

<p>D is in honors college and a UA scholar, but she is also an athlete and the incoming freshman on her team are put in Presidential.</p>

<p>Wismom, my DS is in Honors and has had a fine experience at Presidential.</p>

<p>He wound up in Presidential because all the friends he made on Facebook prior to dorm selection were non-honors and couldn’t live in Ridgecrest (where DD had lived her freshmand year). </p>

<p>He loves his RA, has no problem with noise, other “non-honor” kids and best of all, being a Biology major is very close to the buildings where he spends the bulk of his time.</p>

<p>I think the reason folks focus so much on Ridgecrest is location and the “non-honors” thing, but I could be wrong.</p>

<p>Aside from the parking, or lack there of (which will resolve with the parking garage), it has all the amenities of the other suite style dorms. Once the dining hall and Rec center are built I think you will see an even greater interest.</p>

<p>Your daughter should be fine…no need to be concerned.</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of an issue with Presidential. It’s like the Ridgecrest Towers, only newer. I think the majority of posters on CC have kids in the Honors College who are looking for honors housing, which is why there’s not as much Presidential talk as there might otherwise be.</p>

<p>I think another reason is that a Ridgecrest South dorm room is shown to many of visiting students and they are so impressed that they want to reside there. The close proximity to Ferguson and the Quad make it appealing as well.</p>

<p>For my D and her roommates the only drawback to Presidential was that it was the furthest away from classes on campus. They wanted to be just a little closer, so they chose Riverside. 2 were honors and 2 were not.</p>

<p>^^^ MSUBAMA, yay! You got all four kids in Riverside last night?</p>

<p>My DS and his roommate-of-choice are not honors. We chose Riverside for proximity to dining and Ferg, nothing more. Presidential was on our list for room selection, but not needed.</p>