Dorm suggestion

<p>We received the housing packet today. There is a lot of info, but it is hard to get a real feel for the various choices. I know that this is a subject that has probably been discussed over and over again. However, I'd like to get some opinions. My son is an OOS that is interested in writing and will probably go on to graduate film school. His plans include screenwriting. He is not a sports guy. He likes improv comedy and will also try to get involved with the Onion. </p>

<p>There are a couple of dorms that look like a decent match. Clairbourne/Barnard (spellling) and Bradley look like his type of people. What is the nitty gritty on those two dorms? Are they comfortable? Are they nerdy? </p>

<p>We'll look back at other threads to get some info, but, for now, can you offer some insight?</p>

<p>Ignore this thread. I started a similar thread a while ago on these boards and received plenty of good advice. I have been posting on several websites and I obviously lost track of my posts. </p>


<p>I know you said ignore this one… but here goes for any others out there wondering too.</p>

<p>My daughter is a freshman at ‘Chad’ this year and really seems to love it, as much as one can love a small dorm room. The location works great for her. She is studying Art, Writing, and Psych - all within about 3 blocks, some literally across the street. They also have LOTS of extra programing and lectures… so much so that she has only been able to attend a small bit of it.</p>

<p>The restaurant ‘Rheta’s’ is attached if your kids is of that mindset, mine eats a lot in her room, and they just remodeled all the kitchens for things needing more than a microwave. Very close to State Street too for those more ‘going out’ times.</p>

<p>Very short walk to the Union, and Lake Shore …again she has only had time to sample a small amount of what they have to offer, there is lots there that sounds like it might be up his alley. The SERF rec complex just a short walk too. And Bascom Hill is literally a 1 minute walk for those nice days to sit out.</p>

<p>As far as the make up of students, she seems to like it. Possibly a bit less of a party crowd and more studious…but I would think that be expected in a ‘residential college’ such as Chad, but they certainly still seem to have lots of fun.</p>

<p>She is thinking of either staying there again next year, or possibly Liz Waters. As freshman, for most dorms you go into a ‘lottery’ and don’t know where you will be put. But at Chad, if it is your first choice, you are guaranteed a spot. As a Sophomore, you can usually get into the dorm you want…those her thoughts on maybe picking Liz, mostly for the beauty of the location. Barnard does have some singles, and still the benefits of the location.</p>


<p>For the others- check past threads for many diverse opinions.</p>

<p>The only thing my son is still searching for is which dorms have laundry facilities in the same building. The housing website only says laundry facilities are conveniently located but doesn’t say dorm by dorm like most other schools. Our tour guide didn’t know this information either. I assume larger dorms do, so mostly wondering about the smaller lakeshore dorms. I ran across something on the web saying there were laundry facilities in only 2 of the Kronshage buildings. Running between buildings at 0 degrees or in snow to do laundry doesn’t seem like the most convenient thing.</p>

<p>Also wondering where Adams and Schlicter people generally eat. Carson Gulley seems to be only carryout and a convenience store. Do they generally eat at Holt?</p>

<p>Yes, lakeshore people eat at Frank’s. Carson’s only has pizza, tacos, subs, and so on everyday. Frank’s has more and different options every night, so yes, lakeshore eats there as well. There’s a website where you can see what’s on the menu every night.</p>

<p>The exception would be Liz, because they have the dining hall in their hall, and there’s no point to trek to Frank’s when you can eat the same thing in that dining hall (within Liz’s crazy hours, though).</p>

<p>Kronshage is the only dorm without laundry in all buildings, with the laundry only being in Showerman and Conover Houses, two of the six. Even the “smaller lakeshore dorms” do, and they have ample laundry.</p>

<p>Therefore, put Kronshage last on your list if laundry in the same bulding is a must. The Wiscard dorm money part of the student ID is used to pay for the front loading washers and dryers are still free (this means no one will steal your paid dryer time). I think my son did laundry around every two weeks (son had enough underwear/socks, and H and S seem to think clothes get clean after a while just by sitting around), eons ago I did it weekly- its not a major part of college life. Be warned- Liz only has an elevator in the central building of the attached 5 buildings, interesting on move in/move out days and it must be for laundry also (but many pros that make this a minor factor).</p>

<p>The Res Halls food service is excellent at UW. Anyone can eat anywhere so distance from dorm to a lunchtime class isn’t the factor in choosing where to live. One can also choose where to dine- at a different area for variety or to be with friends, or for a special menu item only offered there that night. There is even delivery of pizza and subs to the dorms- those at Chad/Barnard and Liz don’t need to worry about their distance from late evening food. Walking for everything is a fact of life on college campuses.</p>

<p>The biggest decision is the urban/suburban- Southeast/Lakeshore area. Then all sorts of individual hall preferences. No dorm is perfect but they all are well maintained and for every pro/con of one you can find a balancing one in another.</p>

<p>Walking is good. I never had to worry about what I ate because I walked it off every day. To this day 35 years later I have leg muscles like Lance. Well maybe not that good but pretty good for 59.</p>

<p>Passing the word- just got an email from UW Parents site- live chat on housing of all kinds on Dec 7th 6-7 pm CST, see their site for details.</p>