Barron's- Do you know anything about Smith Hall?

<p>Recently, a friend of mine who is also from Jersey got into UW-Madison. I currently live at Chad, and am advicing him to pick it as his #1 choice. But he is keep asking on Smith Hall, he thinks after reading the propaganda, it'll be a much better dorm, i doubt it though. Do you think it will be a popular dorm for incoming freshman, the facitilities world class? But from what I told him, I think he should put chad as #1, smith as #2, barnard as #3, liz waters at #4, kronshage at #5, bradley as #6, adams as #7, and so on... Whats your opiniion on this barron?</p>

<p>Brand new is always nice. Mostly I am gald to see them putting some $$$ into this long needed improvement. I would think Chad has better programs and traditions and you can't beat the location. It will be under renovation soon which could be a problem.</p>

<p>Actually, luckily Chad isn't going into renovation till the summer of 2007. Here's an article on it : <a href=""&gt;;/a> .They postponed it, I am considering staying here another here because of it. Thanks</p>

<p>Thanks for the update Swami. Hard to keep up with everything and work full-time too. I have always recommended Chad to the most serious students. I hope it has been a good fit for you.</p>

<p>I'm curious- for chad, will you have to reapply every year, just like any other housing? Do students who have stayed there their freshman year have priority over others, since they have already established a "community"?</p>