<p>Do most people study in their dorms or in the library? My parents said that I got to study in the library to avoid conflicts with my roomies. What do you people do?</p>
<p>Don't avoid conflicts with your roomies - confront and compromise! Never be passive in a shared territory. Maintain your stand and fight! Defend your honor! </p>
<p>At any rate - the whole world goes to Powell Library during finals week. Seriously. Half of the people are smoking outside and drinking coffee. Young Research Library is spookier than Powell but it is more accessible by far. </p>
<p>Most people study in their own rooms. Come now - Powell is only so large. YRL is populated by graduate students. BioMed houses Med students. Law library houses... yeah OK you get it.</p>
<p>I did most of my work in my room at weird hours. I developed the habit of wearing earplugs or blaring instrumental music via headphones. Yadadada. </p>
<p>Other options: study lounge place above Kerckhoff Coffee House, Rieber study lounges, lounges on each floor of res buildings, study lounge area near de neve dining commons, ............................</p>
<p>cool. cuz i never liked the whole study at the library thingy. guess i'll visit powell only so often then...</p>
<p>Depended on what I was doing but I always really liked Biomed and YRL for studying.</p>
<p>I like the library better than my dorm. The dorm always feels so cramped. </p>
<p>YRL is so scary. It's quiet and its VERY cold. I'm a person who likes the cold, but YRL is just too cold.</p>
<p>went to powell about twice. if i want to go to a big area to study, i either just go to the lounge or covell. but it gets kind of cold at covell</p>
<p>dorms have study areas and the library is so far from the dorms that I doubt you will feel like walking there when you want to study. personally I always go to young research because it's almost always deserted there which makes it a perfect place to study. so keep this rule in mind:</p>
<p>hotter girls ==> Powell
better grades ==> Young Research</p>
<p>there were hotties in my lounge ;D.</p>
<p>I know. I frequented your lounge... frequently. There is no reason to post it publicly.</p>
<p>@any rate: yes libraries... studying... green lamps...</p>
<p>Lounge ftw, especially if it's air-conditioned</p>
<p>Science & Engineering Library (SEL). Quiet and rarely crowded, even during finals. :rolleyes:</p>
<p>well, i kinda forgot where everything is, and didnt really pay attention at orientation, guess i'll have to conduct a campus tour when i move in then.</p>
<p>I think that goes for most of us. You learn as you go.</p>
<p>ya... ucla campus map google search clickable colored....</p>
well, i kinda forgot where everything is, and didnt really pay attention at orientation, guess i'll have to conduct a campus tour when i move in then.
HSSEAS Welcome Day, if you are an engineer.
I think Flopsy will be there again, will he? :rolleyes:</p>
<p>econ/intl area studies, sorry, folks, north campus, w00t</p>
<p>is there a typical study/hangout area for premeds?
any secret areas during finals week? ;) i don't like crowds.</p>
<p>YRL? I think it was still empty during finals week. My memory is fuzzy though.</p>
No, Flopsy might have to staff the ACM booth at Engineering Welcome Day again. :rolleyes:</p>
<p>I believe Flopsy performs some type of special Flopsy dance/chant/song at the ACM booth. Def. check it out</p>