Dorming(for HEOP)

<p>Is it true I can't dorm if I live in NYC and I'm in HEOP? My acceptance letter stated that HEOP would determine my housing at a later date.</p>

<p>He its true I called today! Im from Harlem they no unless I have a bad living situation so then I can apeal(which I do, so im going to appeal)</p>

<p>What NYU school you go into for HEOP I got in for film</p>

<p>Sorry for the unclear post</p>

<p>HeY its true I called today!
Im from Harlem they said no unless you have a bad living situation so then you can appeal</p>

<p>So im writing a letter of appeal since I think my living situation is not ideal for a college student.</p>

<p>What NYU school you go into for HEOP I got in for film</p>

<p>Oh thanks for the reply! I got into CAS. I’m not sure what I’m going to study though lol. Would living with loud and younger children be a legitimate excuse? I really want to dorm for the first year and would be fine if I had to commute the following years.</p>

<p>IDK you will have to call them! They will tell u to write a detail letter
I live with 5ppl in a 1bed room apartment :frowning:
i will probally email them later this week
I wonder if I get an outside scholarship to pay for the dorming cost?
I also will like to dorm the first year then commute for the rest of the years</p>

<p>Hi Guys,</p>

<p>You should try to appeal, definitely. They <em>know</em> that many of us have bad living situations. Many of us live in pretty bad neighborhoods–so you can appeal bc of safety (that’s always a good one :slight_smile: ). </p>

<p>Gorgy, you might need to be more specific about the 5 ppl in 1 bedroom apt. situation. This is because if they are going to pay your dorm, chances are it will be one of the cheaper dorms…which means living in a triple, plus other people in your suite. So make your argument stronger…somehow…like, your family cannot afford certain things: an extra bed, desk, chair, etc? Just a guess, I never did it myself, but I would guess they will need to have a strong case. If you have poor transportation near you, that’s a good one too. One of my classmates lived in Bk but far away from trains…Canarsie, maybe, I don’t remember…</p>