<p>has anyone decided which dorms they wish to stay in?</p>
<p>if i get accepted (hopefully!)
i’m thinking commons, or underwood.
how about you?</p>
<p>my top three would be eppright, wells, and appelt</p>
<p>From what I have heard, the commons dorms are great for freshman. I have heard good things about the modular dorms too.</p>
<p>i chose modular dorms because i think i will feel cramped living in any other type of dorms.</p>
<p>yes, friends of mine living there have said great things about commons, and not so great things about northside haha</p>
<p>lol i chose all my dorms cuz they were in southside where its much quieter and i think modular would be much more comfortable to live in</p>
<p>^ amen. lol</p>
<p>My son really wanted Northside, but he got Appelt. Do all the modular dorms have wifi?</p>
<p>^ I’m pretty sure your son would have gotten a Northside dorm if he didn’t put down modulars (i.e. Walton -_-). Only Mosher has Wifi, all the other dorms use ethernet cables.</p>