
<p>are there any dorms at NYU, i heard that NYU is not campus-like, is that true?</p>

<p>You should research NYU
I would suggest a visit</p>

<p>We do have dorms. I live on Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village ( if you don't know those two places, I would suggest researching cause those two places are where you will be much of your four years)</p>

<p>NYU dorms are scatter around Greenwich, Chinatown, East & West Village and NOHO</p>

<p>They are quite nice as most of them were built as luxurry condimodioms and hotels</p>

<p>all of them have private bathrroms and some have a nice as view</p>

<p>to get a feel for NYU, you should definately visit</p>

<p>yes, there are dorms! all freshman are guaranteed housing, and unless you live off campus for a semester, you are guaranteed housing all 4 years. so let's say one semester you decided to rent an apartment, you're no longer guaranteed a dorm. but if you get a dorm freshman yr and decide you want to keep dorming, you are guaranteed.</p>

<p>dorms were aight, but the biggest plus was that you didn't have to share a bathroom i wish other schools did that.</p>

<p>Dorms are awesome. Freshman dorms are concentrated around Washington Square. All dorm rooms have their own bathrooms. Most have a dining hall as well.</p>

<p>if you meant campus-like as in having lots of green grass (not like a park), then no. but a city campus, then yes. i like the city better since there's always something to do and EAT . trust me, I went to a reall green campus at stony. it's TERRRIBLY boring (in the beginning it's always exciting). if you're a partygoer, well they have parties every weekend if you like and i will ensue you you will not be bored then.</p>

<p>Yes there are droms.
I saw Goddard, Weinstein, Rubin, and Hayden today at open house.
They're alright, but I don't think any of them were like "OMG I've gotta get this dorm!"
Goddard was the best of the four in my opinion.</p>

<p>You can learn more about NYU dorms here:</p>

<p>nyuhousing</a> ยป Coral Towers</p>

<p>NYU</a> > Department of Housing</p>