
<p>What are some affordable dorms that have private bathrooms or shared bathrooms with like one other dorm? Also, is it too late to get into San Jacinto? If so, what is the second best option for someone wanting a private bathroom? Provide as much info as possible. Thanks.</p>

<p>Affordable and dorm are not 2 words that go together here, much less private bathroom. Duren and San Jac are the only 2, and I don’t think anybody has any idea what the housing status is since its completely changed since last year.</p>

<p>UT Housing said here, on another thread less than a week ago (The Aah, am I too late thread), that if you apply now you can still get your first choice dorm.</p>

<p>UT housing is pretty reasonable compared to a lot of other colleges but Duren and San Jac are about $2000 per year more than the other dorms. Duren and San Jac are both beautiful dorms.</p>