Double major

<p>I’m not very familiar with the process… are there restrictions on which majors you can double major in? And how would I go about declaring my majors if I were to double major?</p>

<p>Alabama is pretty cool about what you choose as a major. If you want a triple major, go ahead. You can declare (officially) your majors as a sophomore. My son went to UA as a chem/econ major. Decided to do econ and poli science. Wanted to add a math major and do University Scholars, but a miscommunication with an outside scholarship group forced him to remain a double major with four minors. So the options are there, especially if you enter with lots of AP/IB/DE credit.</p>

<p>momreads, can you expand on the outside scholarship miscommunication? A number of outside scholarships are for undergrad only. So I was wondering if they would balk at university scholars or not.</p>

<p>vlines: While a student at Alabama, my son received a large scholarship and summer internship from a government agency. Because of the manner in which University Scholars is set, he did not believe it would be a problem for him to enroll while pursuing his undergraduate degrees. Apparently, it was, so he had to drop University Scholars in order to keep that scholarship/internship. He would have liked to have earned his masters, but giving up a chance to do paid research for the government this summer in American Samoa was just too good.</p>

<p>I bet that would be a tough choice, momreads. Thanks for the info!</p>

<p>*You can declare (officially) your majors as a sophomore. *</p>

<p>I didn’t know that you have to be a sophomore to declare a second major. </p>

<p>I thought the rule was that if you’re undeclared, you have to declare a major by the 4th semester.</p>

<p>You can declare your first major before you matriculate as a frosh, and you can declare your second major after you matriculate…if you have to be a soph to declare that second major, the rule must be soph standing (meaning that AP credits would count.). That said, I’ve never heard that you have to be a soph to declare that second major…but perhaps that’s the rule.</p>

<p>My son is double majoring. He entered UA as a declared Business Major (Marketing). During his second semester he declared a second major (Telecommunication and Film). At that point he had sophomore standing because of his AP credits, so I’m not sure if that was the determining factor regarding when he could declare.</p>

<p>Regardless, he’s found the process to be easy and his advisors in both majors have been very good in helping him coordinate his path through UA. I would also add then when we met with Dr. Sharpe during our visit to Bama (my darn auto correct just tried to make that Obama), he emphasized several times that the Honors College would work very hard with any of its students who wished to design a hybrid interdisciplinary major. It was a significant out-of-the-box selling point.</p>

<p>In some cases, one doesn’t declare their major until they enter their colleges Upper division. Before that, they are designated pre-[major name]. It is always a good habit to mention your major plans to an advisior before that however.</p>

<p>momreads, your son mentioned not being able to do University Scholars because of that scholarship and I was very surprised to hear that such a restriction existed. It’s too bad as I know he would have enjoyed the program, but the government program is very prestigious.</p>

<p>I’m an economics, finance, and math triple major and am also doing University Scholars. I have found that my department has been very willing to make this major combination reality simple to declare and complete as it is a pre-approved major combination.</p>

<p>*In some cases, one doesn’t declare their major until they enter their colleges Upper division. *</p>

<p>Ah yes…B-school majors and nursing majors…because they’re not accepted into those programs until then. </p>

<p>*momreads, your son mentioned not being able to do University Scholars because of that scholarship and I was very surprised to hear that such a restriction existed. It’s too bad as I know he would have enjoyed the program, but the government program is very prestigious.

<p>I don’t know how that scholarship is paid out. But, if it’s paid out in lump sums prior to senior year, couldn’t he then do it? It’s not like they’re going to ask for the money back. </p>

<p>* I would also add then when we met with Dr. Sharpe during our visit to Bama (my darn auto correct just tried to make that Obama),*</p>

<p>lol …at least it didn’t change it to Osama!</p>

<p>FWIW, here’s how my son’s status is currently listed. He is now in the second semester of his second year at UA. He began the Fall 2011 semester 3 credits shy of junior standing, so had to wait until this semester to take upper division business courses (which he’s doing), so he concentrated on TCF courses in the Fall (having already fulfilled his lower division business requirements). I suspect the status of his Business major and program will change after this semester, if not sooner. </p>

<p>Curriculum Information
Current Program
B S Commerce Business Admin
Level: Undergraduate
Program: Lower Division MKT, BCB
College: Commerce Business Administratn
Major and Department: Lower Divison Marketing, Management & Marketing
Major and Department: Telecommunication And Film, Telecommunication & Film
Major Concentration: Media Production (TCF)</p>