<p>I've already been accepted. I have great extracurricular experience with a 24 on my ACT, and nothing lower than a C in any of my classes throughout high school. They say a "downward trend" may result in rescinding. </p>
<p>I have a D+ in Integrated Math 3 right now, and I may get a D in AP Gov. next semester, would one D per semester fall under the "downward trend" category?</p>
<p>And say I switch from AP gov. to Gov. honors; would that be "bad?" Seeing as they said switching out of core classes may result in rescinding as well.</p>
<p>Bad is getting average or below average grades. You risk your acceptance under these conditions.</p>
<p>p2n is correct. you should speak with your teachers and see what they think you can do to raise your grades out of the D level.</p>
<p>Last year there were posts here about D’s and students getting recinded. If your school’s transcripts list a full course by semesters, with grades for both semesters, you are in hot water if your transcript shows a D. If, however, your transcripts list only one grade per course, and your final average is not a D you are OK. In the state of Florida, most public high schools list each semester grade. You do not want D’s on your transcript, period.</p>