This may be a silly question, but what would the dress code be at a typical public school without a religious affiliation, or any mention of a dress code before now? I was picking what clothes to pack, and I assumed it would be lax enough that I could wear most anything within the realm of what would be considered normal when you’re just out and about, but Mom told me to pack as if it had the same dress code as my high school, where we weren’t allowed to show our shoulders, wear skirts more than two inches above the knee, etc, so I thought I’d ask.
How strict of a dress code should I prepare for, if any? I don’t really dress in ways that’s too revealing, but I will wear tops that show my shoulders and skirts like two and a half inches above the knee without rules dictating what I can and cannot wear.
You can wear anything you want at a public university.
I am assuming you are talking about a public college? If so there is no dress code. I would say you are correct in thinking people dress as they would when they are just out and about. Clothing styles will vary widely, depending on the location and the weather. Where we live in So. Calif. you will see very short shorts and skirts as well as some that are more modest. I would say that at my son’s large public school, shorts and dresses are typically much shorter than what you are talking about unless it is for some sort of a presentation or interview. Girls wear a lot of tank tops, halter tops, and some bare midriffs. In cooler weather everyone tends to cover up more. Of course there are other much more modest styles also. Really you should wear what you feel comfortable in and you will be fine. A lot of parents find that their kids come home after that first year with a very different style than when they left as they adapt to their new surroundings.
you can even wear a transparent crop top with booty shorts to class if you want.
i seen’t it.
Okay, thank you! I just thought I’d make sure. I didn’t want to show up at school only to find out that I can’t wear some of my clothes. 
If you’re actually concerned, you should look up to see if your school has a policy concerning dress. I would be surprised if there was anything more restrictive than what you would typically see people wearing while they are out and about, but really, what matters is what your school says, not what anyone else says.
There’ll be no dress code. Dress how you want, with the caveat that any professor could be one you end up working with, getting recs from, etc. So don’t dress like you’re heading to a party if you don’t want the professor getting that impression.
Anything legal (no public nudity). Bare shoulders and thighs show up all over public campuses.