Hi, I am an econ major transferring student with 3.5 GPA, currently try to transfer to UCSD, UCSB, UCD, UCLA, UCI, and UCB. I will have completed over 70 units in the end of the spring 2016. For my special situation, I have dropped my econ 1b (major pre) with a W because my professor is really hard. I failed her tests twice already, and I knew I am going to drop it eventually.
Hope some one would give me an advise, let’s say should I wait for them accepting me first? or report my W before the decisions are posted. Overall, this is the only major preq class I am missing.
Wouldn’t work because they asked for official transcripts around June-July. If you drop it you have to notify them immediately.
If you get accepted and don’t tell them about it they will rescind your acceptance offer.
If you put that the Econ class as PL for spring, they will accept you based on the assumption that you will pass that class.
Plus, as an Econ major you really need that class and not already having it done is a red flag to them and most (I think all) of those UC’s you applied to will not accept that class if you were to take it over summer.
yes, I will need to report my situation anyway. Will they rescind my acceptance offer if I report my W after I get accepted? or currently, I am going to report before the decisions are posted in the late April 30?
Yea, because if you report after you get accepted they require all IP courses to be passed.
If I were you I would report immediately.
Okay, thx. I would ask them first since time is still available for few weeks
@BlackPlasma is correct.
With A major pre-req like that, any acceptances you may get from not reporting it would be rescinded as soon as they find out. Tell them ASAP and hope that at least one campus will allow you to take it over summer.
Additionally you may want register for a summer course to show in good faith that you have every intention of taking it prior to transferring. Your prognosis isn’t good so anything you can do to help yourself is a step in the right direction.
What is/are your safety school(s)?
@Tallwycsx Hi! Please keep me updated on your situation, I have the same situation with Calc 1 for my Business Admin/ Business Econ major. I was thinking of withdrawing from it, but I haven’t yet. I’ve gotten accepted to UCR and UCSC so far, but worried they, along with every potential school, will cancel my acceptances after I do so #-o
I know they don’t let you do summer courses unless approved, so I don’t know if that’s even a valid opportunity… or if you can take it after you transfer? I don’t know
was hoping i’d hear stories if anyone knew
@BlackPlasma Hi there, just wondering, are you saying these things out of experience? Is it definite that if you don’t have an IP course, that is a major req., you’ll be rejected? Do you also know how likely or how often UC schools would accept students’ summer courses?
I don’t know if you know about this, but UCSC accepts students but not right away into their major. They have to declare it after their first quarter. So do you think that would give me a chance to satisfy the pre req after I transfer in (if they let me)?