Dropped out of UC MERCED, gone to CC, now I want to go to a different UC closer to my home town

Recently I have been going to UC Merced in the year 2015 and it was a good experience but due to personal reasons I got academically dismissed from UC Merced and I am now currently at a community college. I left UC Merced what a GPA of 1.56

My first semester of Community College I took two math classes that I regret taking because my counselor at the time said I had to take two math classes. Believing everything that my counselor said was correct and fault free I decided to take those classes and failed both of them miserably. Precalculus was too much for me but I failed geometry as well because for one reason the tests 50% of the exams were multiple choice and fill in the blank but the other 50% was in the form of proof and statements something everyone was struggling. Geometry is not transferable.

After that I took some semester courses that were less than 12 units per semester and the reason why is that I am working part time to maintain my living wages expense with a single parent who is undocumented. As of now I have three withdrawals which I would drop political science English 101 and accounting 1 I retook English 101 and I got a B and I am now taking accounting 1. I do not need political science for my UC transfer first but it is recommended for a Cal State

As of now I do have a 2.0 at a community college and I hopefully will plan to raise my GPA up. But the problem here is that I have to take the UC courses that I failed at UC Merced again if I ever want to transfer to a UC.

I failed math due to a software that keeps track of homework assignments(ALEKS). It is the worst software that I have ever experienced since it requires you to do homework every week and if you miss one deadline or miss one assignments you have to work on that assignment finish it and which you will not get any points for in order to work on the next assignment and hopefully you have enough time to finish it and get it as part of a grade. I failed Spanish 11 because it was a really hard course. I remember I took that Spanish class because I thought I could handle a Spanish class due to the fact that I pass AP Spanish language with a score of 4. I could not for the love of God pass that class. Any I failed english as well.

My questions here is that even if I do get reinstatement to take the failing classes at UC Merced what are the chances of me transferring to another UC I do plan to go to UC Santa Barbara or UC Santa Cruz instead of UC Merced due to personal reasons but I think I read in the UC Merced homepage that I have to apply to one of their schools at UC Merced. Also along with my GPA at UC Merced and at my Community College what are the odds that I will ever get to be inside of a UC campus ever again?

Last but not least for some reason I may have misread but if I ever appeal for reinstatement I don’t get accepted I will not be able to appeal again. Does that mean I will never ever go into a UC campus also

Also if i retook the UC classes when do I retake them? How will FAFSA pay for both schools?

You are ineligible to transfer to ANY UC campus if you were previously dismissed from an UC campus due to unsatisfactory academic performance. To become eligible to transfer, you must work with your UC campus to remove the academic dismissal. To initiate the process, speak with an academic advisor from your college.

If reinstated at UC Merced, you would still need a competitive UC GPA to transfer to any of the other UC’s you have listed.

Here is a link to show UC Transfer Admit GPA’s by major and campus to give you an idea of target GPA’s. This data is from 2016 and 2017 data has not been updated.


You might have a better chance of transferring into a CSU or private school vs. a UC depending upon which schools you are considering.

I only thought that transferring to a UC had a minimum of 2.4 or at least 2.6?

i would sit down with a transfer admissions officer at one of your target UCs - bring your transcript and ask them to help map your best path forward. Honestly, i think you will have a tough time getting your under-grad GPA high enough to be a competitive applicant to UCSB without spending YEARS at a CC and significantly delaying your graduation. I’d confirm that with them before ruling it out. Then target a non-impcated CSU like CSUCI, get your BS/BA and get on with your life.

good luck.

As you can see from the admit UC transfer GPA, below a 3.0 GPA for transfer will only get you into a few UC’s and into only a few majors. The UC’s you are targeting will be very tough admits unless you raise your GPA significantly. @NCalRent gives good advice. Finish your degree at any school you can get accepted and move on. Nothing magical about going to a UC vs Cal state. Both school systems will give you a great education. Best of luck.

How would a private accept me?

It depends upon what is the transfer requirements for each private school you are targeting. Many will require your HS GPA and test scores depending upon the # of credits you have going in.

It doesn’t appear to me that you know how to study for college coursework.
Getting a 4 in an AP HS course, is not the same as attending a UC college course that runs on a quarter system.

You have to find out why your study habits don’t mesh well for college courses, both at a UC and at a CC.

Are you going to tutoring sessions? Do you know how to take effective and efficient notes?
Have you met with your professors for office hours? How are you studying? How often do you study? Are you going to the writing center for editing help?

Before you even THINK about transferring, you need to get your act together. You’re failing now, and you want to get back into a UC with poor study habits?

Oh and FAFSA is an application: Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

The form is sent to your schools to see if you qualify for Federal aid.

State aid also uses the FAFSA application to see what you may qualify for. Both types of aid, that are paying for most of your tuition and fees, does run out.

If you keep using your aid at each school and failing, you are using up your limits. The money in your “account” runs out and you will be responsible for any fees after that money is used up. You get a total of four years of full-time study on a CalGrant. That’s it. It doesn’t matter if it is at a UC or a CC. That’s already 2 years you’ve used.


The Federal Aid you receive is called a Pell Grant and it pays the school $5925 per year-total. Most of your fees are probably being covered by CalGrants.

Words of advice:

Do you own research on what you need to do to transfer using the online catalogs.

Do your own research on how your financial aid works.
You signed a bunch of legal paperwork without understanding and reading the forms.

All of the information can be found online.

Yeah I don’t think UCs will count CC academic renewal for courses you failed at a UC. I hate to say this, but I don’t think your odds of ever going to a UC again are very high. I would probably spend a few years at a CC and do well, like 3.8+ and then apply to CSUs in the area. It might not be a bad idea to take a few years off from school. There are a lot of people on these forums who take a few years off and do really well when they return to school. I’m not saying that’s what’s right for you, but it’s worth some thought. Best of Luck

Update: I just talked to my advisor from the UC merced. It turned out the minimum for reinstatement was 2.7 from CC, and doesn’t count the UC Merced GPA. I now have a 2.8 GPA, with 2 semesters left.

Keep it up. Your persistence will pay off.

You have received good advice on here. Not sure what your personal reasons are for attending another UC. However, if you maintain and improve your current GPA, and can be reinstated into UC Merced…I would seriously look into that!