dropping a class.. bad for employers?

<p>I'm currently a business school student (undergrad) and I'm doing really bad in a liberal arts core humanities class. It's required but i can always drop it for this semester without academic penalty and take it next year. And this way my gpa won't be affected but i heard that some employers really really hate kids who've dropped classes. Like they'll throw your resume in the trash pile-bad. </p>

<p>Is this true? Bad for me right now is like a C and the best possible grade I can get is a C+.. thoguhts?</p>

<p>No they don't. I dropped a course because I was going to get a B at max and I'm going to be full time at Big 4 next year.</p>

<p>Who'd you hear from that a W is so bad? I've never heard anything that biased against even though I've never gotten a W myself</p>

<p>other than W do you have an option to P/NC? pass or no credit. I think it's wrong for employer to reject people based on that. They may bring it up in the interview why you go that grade and ur explanation will lead them to reconsider their decision, other than that they can't just reject you for a W. It's about equal opportunity in society.</p>

<p>take life easy man. dropping a class..wow you make it sound like you killed someone. I've got a D before in a class i absolutely didn't enjoy or pay attention too.. summer intern at top three ibank btw</p>

<p>What was your gpa and if you don't mind answering, ivy-league school?</p>

<p>3.4 non ivy league...absolutely no target.</p>