Dropping a Class...

<p>In my area, the high school version of our “gifted and talented” (ha, we’re not that gifted or talented) program is Humanities. It’s a two-year (freshman and sophomore years only), honors credit class that centers on art history. Last year as an eighth grader, I hadn’t planned on taking the class for a number of reasons (no room in my schedule, lower weighted GPA compared to my other option, etc), but through a combination of peer pressure and teacher pressure, I ended up signing up for the course. Why? People told me it was fun. Lame, I know, but it’s true. I had more than one then-freshmen telling me that this was they’re favorite class, it was totally worth the work, you’d be missing out, etc. LIES! Firstly, not that fun. Secondly, (because of some long-winded story about problems with cheating and others complaining) multiple-choice tests are from now on nonexistent. And finally, being the GPA-whore that I am, I’m kicking myself for not choosing my other option, which (by working only a little bit harder) I could have ended up with a much higher weighted GPA.</p>

<p>So now I’m thinking about dropping this course my sophomore year. I figure I can come out of this for the most part unscratched in the GPA aspect (I’d get a credit of honors English elective for taking it one year, and I’d be taking APWH the next instead of finishing the second year and receiving the honors WH credit plus second honors elective English credit from Humanities). But I’m worried about the whole “commitment” thing. How bad will this look to colleges when I apply? Is it worth dropping for the higher weighted GPA and rank?</p>