Dropping Seminar

<p>See it is in stem cell research. It is in Health Sciences Center. My new mentor told me not to give out any of her info because she has enough students and is busy. Sorry.</p>

<p>Thanks...I guess what I am trying to ask is what department or person I should contact in order to ask if there is any Ugrad research going on...theres just so many phone numbers...</p>

<p>You don't have to give me your mentors number, just a department head so that I may go from there...</p>

<p>I am just curious how you found a mentor...out of the hundreds of departments at the hospital.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>I know what you mean, I just did a random search and I emailed a ton of profs. Some answered, some didn't. Btw I am just a freshman, so I am sorry for not being much of a help to you. We are both pretty much in the same boat about Stony and the environment.</p>

<p>You can't take the SBU 101 in the spring, it's only offered in the fall (and 102 is in the spring). Blazinyan, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you're going to spend your time and energy trying to do an end-around instead of fulfilling requirements, you're going to just wind up making enemies and making your time on campus more frustrating.</p>

<p>Most of the questions you're asking here -- what to take, what faculty are good, how can I get involved in the various opportunities -- are what the seminar is all about. It's too bad that you're being too bullheaded to understand that.</p>


<p>Chris, can we expect the roomate assignments this week?</p>