<p>So I applied for a job today at a grocery store. Had to take a drug test, and I smoked weed on monday night. I am probably going to fail the test, right?</p>
<p>Should I call them and just say I found another job? What happens if you fail a drug test, aside from not getting the job?</p>
<p>If you are a minor, I think they might call your parents. If you are an adult, I'm not sure they have the right to call the police (confidentiality and whatnot)...</p>
<p>Best wishes though...</p>
<p>Like G.I. Joe, Mr. T, and various celebrities have always told me:</p>
<p>Don't do drugs.</p>
<p>I don't know if they're allowed to tell your parents, but they cannot do anything involving the cops, and even if they told them the cops couldn't do anything. The cops didn't administer the test, so it's not binding, beyond that simply having the specific chemicals in your urine I don't think is even illegal, assuming you're not already on probation or anything.</p>
<p>Basically, you wont get the job, you'll make up some half baked excuse about being on some antibiotic and ibuprofin(I think amoxicilin or one of the others causes false positives), you wont pursue it, and niether will they. Next time though go to your local head shop and buy some detox, along with drinking water heavily the day before and leading up to the exam, as well as exercizing to speed your metabolism to process the chemicals more quickly and eliminating them from the body.</p>
<p>thanks man.</p>
<p>whats this mean?</p>
<p>"Next time though go to your local head shop and buy some detox"</p>
<p>head shop?</p>
<p>i had a friend who just had a drug test and passed even though the week before she had smoked. What she said was that if you are not a habitual user that your drug test will come clean if you havn't smoked in two to three days.</p>
<p>Yeah, two or three days is the right answer. Don't worry.</p>
<p>Or you could ... not do drugs.</p>
<p>I'm just throwing that out there.</p>
Or you could ... not do drugs.</p>
<p>I'm just throwing that out there.
<p>Haha...indeed. >=P</p>
<p>pfft, that's no fun DIO; </p>
<p>a head shop are the stoner hippy smoke shops that sell bongs and all the other "tobacco pipes" us stoners love so much.</p>
<p>actually, i believe weed leaves your blood system within 24 or 48 hours. then the only way to determine if you had it was if they did a Hair Follicle Test (which I'm assuming they didn't do). Best of luck to you!</p>
<p>Say no to drugs</p>
<p>**** tests can detect it for weeks if the use is chronic.</p>
<p>Edit: urine tests</p>
<p>There is absolutely nothing wrong with occasional to moderate marijuana usage. IMO there are as many upsides as there are downsides, and it's definately less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes in most ways. It's a shame that so many companies drug test their employees. It is an utter case of privacy violation. Immediately suspecting a new employee of drug use is not only downright mean, but humiliating to the employee. "Hey, you got the job, now all you have to do is pee in a cup so we can make sure you don't toke up every now and then on your own time." I mean seriously, w-t-f is that? Kids, this is college, the biggest time for experimentation in your life. Don't be afraid to try new things, but remember, it's all about moderation.</p>
<p>teh1337, weed on the occasion is not that bad. I smoke once every 3-4 months, and its no worst than drinking which I do far more. If you smoke everyday for a month or so it may take a month or so to get out. If you do it like once a month people have told me its out in a matter of days, especially if run and exercise. Im fairly sure there information was accurate, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.</p>
<p><a href="http://www.erowid.org%5B/url%5D">www.erowid.org</a></p>
<p>use that site as a reference for any drug related question you might have.</p>