<p>This is being posted for the following reasons:
-Discussion on the problems and what a parent needs to know(My dad wants to know badly)
-Realize that it isn't hard to pull the wool over the eyes of even the most watchful school admins
-Have a place where people can speak their minds on this specific part of boarding school life</p>
<p>I've been thinking about posting this for a while, but I wanted to get a look and think about it before...
I only visited really top schools and all the schools i am telling stories from are house hold names if you will.
My dad and I went on visits. I know around 20 people from these schools and all of them told me that it was just like public school in only one way.Drugs. I thought they were joking, but when I went on visits these are a few stories/conversations I had with tour guides and my friends(Some are of other schools I am applying to, I don't want to name specifics)</p>
<p>Last year:
A PREFECT picked by the teachers at a small religious school was subjected to a search. $50,000 dollars in cash was found in his room along with a rather large amount of drugs mostly on the "lower scale"(Marijuana mainly). Around 10 people were connected to purchases and they were kicked out, many people avoided getting the boot... I don't know how, but they said they only found out about a small portion of the kids. Three kids got the boot for Tylenol abuse... I laughed a little, but still.</p>
<p>Recent Trend:
My tour guide asked me if I did drugs, cause he said I seem the type. I said no man, but what do people do for fun? He said around 35% of the kids get high in the woods at least once a year. Several girls were caught with cocaine(A hard drug... I was shocked for once). Overall, the drug usage is more extensive among the students, but not as intense as the average school.</p>
A friend of mine lives in a dorm that is a big hang out on campus. He said his freshman year the seniors would just get high(Marijuana) and have sex with their girlfriends. The entire freshman section of the dorm(including my friends) had either tried or developed consistent usage of Marijuana by the end of the term. Some of the olders guys straightened up the younger ones and from what I hear it was a phase caused by the placement of older guys with weed habits with younger guys. Just a bunch of druggies got put in the same dorm... Random.</p>
<p>A Trend:
One of my friends told me that she met with her boyfriend at 5am on a consistent basis(every other week) to have sex. She said that some people meet every other day and that the school really doesn't do anything when they catch people beyond a week of 7 pm curfew. And that basically kids picked sex or drugs and just went with whatever. </p>
THIS IS NOT MEANT TO SCARE/COMPLAIN/OFFEND or do anything except inform and offer up a place to discuss it. Mainly, I just want to hear what people think and even my dad was a little rattled by Cocaine use and he wants a word of closure from me to ease his mind... I have nothing so whatever you are thinking post it. I don't go to boarding school so what do I know about this(in concerns with a first person view)?</p>