Duke waitlist 2026

this is a good sign! when did you get this?

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literally 2 hrs ago i am a CS major from tx

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omg congrats!!! did you get it from your admissions officer?

I also got this email. I applied to trinity as an earth science major. Hopefully its a good sign!

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if you don’t mind me asking, what state/region are you from?

Long Island, New York!

got it from a “waitlist coordinator”

could you let us know what was the form that you filled out. What kind of information did it ask for? Thanks for any insights

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has your portal changed at all?

Congratulations to everyone :slight_smile: time to move on

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do u guys think there will be any more waves before may 1st like there were in past years?

I’m sure there will be another wave after may 1st, although i expect the yield to be a bit higher this year

Congrats! May I ask some questions?

  1. Did you ask for Financial Aid when you applied?
  2. Have you done anything after accepting on the waitlist like submitting LOCI, awards, etc?

Thank you in advance!

Anyone applying to pratt get anything?

Getting an email to confirm your spot on the WL is house-keeping, not s sign. But it’s important that you follow up to remain in consideration.

For all of you, make sure you monitor and respond to communications from any WL school. Good luck!


That’s what I thought but then why others don’t get that ?

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Misunderstanding the process? Hopefulness?

The reality is that when many students find out they have been offered a place on the WL, they don’t know they need to accept that place. They may even send a LOCI, but may skip the important formality of accepting that spot.

Other students may accept a spot as soon as they open their decision and then, in the period leading up to May 1, find that they have an option that they prefer to the WL school. But they may forget to let the WL school they no longer wantvto be on the WL.

The admissions office wants to consider only the students who actually want to be considered when they are evaluating the WL. And they also want to be sure they have everyone who wants to be in the pool. This is what the WL coordinator is doing now.

Until the WL officially closes - and this could be as late as August! - you can expect this kind of communication. Also know that certain “pools” will close earlier than others. Pratt vs Trinity, boys vs girls, needs FA or FP. So it’s possible to get knocked out early not because you were “less” but simply because your pool is filled. Likewise, while you may stay in the running until the end, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a good chance - but you have a chance
Hope that helps.


Thanks for the clarification :slight_smile:

i wonder if there r gonna be anymore of those email waves before may 1

On the waitlist form they sent, it states:

“ Please update your waiting list interest below.

Students will be asked to respond within one week upon receipt of the admission letter, or, for those who applied for financial aid, receipt of the financial aid award letter, whichever is later.”

I feel like the wording might be a indication of a prospective acceptance, but I don’t wanna get my hopes too high.