Duke Waitlist 2027

I’ve been crazy busy so I haven’t done it yet, but I’m going to try to send my LOCI this week. I would suggest doing it before the 24th just to make sure it’s in their system before the commitment day.

This is what the FAQ mentions: “In the last several years, around 1,000 students a year have decided to stay on Duke’s waiting list. We consider the waiting lists in Trinity College of Arts & Sciences and the Pratt School of Engineering separately.”

I think the total number of waitlisted candidates at Duke (Trinity + Pratt) is around 1000, but this 1000 is divided b/w Trinity and Pratt.

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I heard the predicted acceptance rate for this year on the waitlist is around 10%, so that gives me hope! Good luck to all!

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10 percent is a little better! We all never know…

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In past years, Duke has admitted people from the waitlist on the 28th of April. I’m guessing they’ll do the same this year, too. Do you know if this is for everyone or is it not for the international pool?

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My guess is that they will take people from the waitlist who fill their institutional needs, so it all depends on what pool of students they think they still need to round out their class.

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That’s what I’m hoping! 1,000 total is much better!

Does anyone know if the student’s admission ID is needed on the new letter of recommendation that is to be emailed to admissiondocuments@duke.edu?

Idk if it’s required but it’s probably a good idea to add it somewhere, the LOR, or the subject of the email.


Hello, I thinks the student admission ID is a good idea. A quick question : in what format are you sendinf the LOCI - directly in the mail or as an attached file like a PDF with the student signature?
Or both? Thanks for your input.

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Duke is telling us to submit it into the portal I think

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Maybe we could hear end of the week this week? If not, next? anyone hear anything about other schools moving from their waitlist?

I have heard of people getting off the waitlist already from other schools - UChicago, Vanderbilt, Wesleyan, and a several of the UC’s. None of the ones I’m waiting for though!

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did everyone’s portals update with the checklist being back again??

Yes, I think because it’s showing they received our LOCI’s.

yes our list is back up too. did this just get updated?

Haha - just a late night random thought/wish - since so few of us on this thread maybe we ar the only ones who did the extra LOCI? haha!

I hope that’s true!! But highly unlikely, I have a feeling they’ll start rolling decisions on the 28th like they’ve done in previous years

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good luck everyone tomorrow! duke usually releases some waitlist acceptance decisions on the 28th, starting with an email asking to reconfirm interest—so good luck to everyone! hope some of us make it in. if you get the email, please say so here!

yes good luck!