<p>Which one of the following books do you like most and why? And which is the easiest read?</p>
<p>A Clockwork Orange</p>
<p>Brave New World</p>
<p>Farenheit 451</p>
<p>Which one of the following books do you like most and why? And which is the easiest read?</p>
<p>A Clockwork Orange</p>
<p>Brave New World</p>
<p>Farenheit 451</p>
<p>clockwork orange is probably the most intellectually stimulating of the four.</p>
<p>the easiest read is probably fahrenheit 451</p>
<p>1984 1984 1984 1984. This is one of my favorite books. I also read Brave New World And Fahrenheit 451...My second choice would be..Fahrenheit.</p>
<p>My first choice would be 1984
Second: Brave New World</p>
<p>They are all fantastic, although I haven't read Fahrenheit.</p>
<p>Clockwork Orange was awesome. Fahrenheit and Brave New World were easy but fun and semi-thought provoking: plus Brave New World is a must read b/c it can be incorporated into almost any SAT-type essay (same goes for 1984...). But 1984 was sooooo boring. At least for me. I mean, I did try to read it, in like, fifth grade. But I was still bored out of my mind.</p>
<p>All of those are really classics, you should read 'em all.</p>
<p>But if I /had/ to pick, for sheer entertainment value, Clockwork Orange.</p>
<p>For ease and accessibility, Fahrenheit or Brave New World.</p>