EA Anyone?

<p>I got in too! OMG! This was so surprising to just check my email and see it there. Brb, crying in joy.</p>

<p>And you should totally feel proud of getting into both! You deserved it!</p>

<p>Congratulations! It's such a beautiful campus. The admissions office is the most amazing building ever.</p>

<p>I'll just feel bad saying no to such a neat school. I hope they don't offer me much money, but they probably won't.</p>

<p>WOOHOO i'm in too! Congrats to the both of you!!!</p>

<p>Can't wait to get my actual package though, hopefully it comes before Christmas! And also special congrats on getting into Reed! That's an equally really neat school as well.</p>

<p>Do you guys know if they'll add grants/scholarships (not loans) onto your financial aid package after you get your original package?</p>

<p>And congrats fangsup15!</p>

<p>It seems Lewis & Clark accepted 800 people in this EA round. I think that means they had about 1400-1500 applicants (probably more)m judging from last year's acceptance rate.</p>

<p>I'm in, plus half-tuition. Does anyone know if the Neely Scholarships have been announced yet?</p>

<p>My dd just got her email acceptance to L&C yesterday. She won't get the mailed package until she goes back to school in January. If any scholarship money is offered does that come in the mailed package, or would it be mentioned in the email as well? Anyone know?</p>

<p>sishu7: Did you find out about your half-tuition in the email they sent or the mailed package?</p>

<p>My dd got her email acceptance yesterday...it had been in her inbox for 2 days! Boy was she happy happy happy! Same question re merit aid.</p>

<p>My dd applied early action to Lewis and Clark and can see online that her application was complete before the November 1 deadline, but she has gotten no emails except one from a track coach. Does anyone know if L & C is sending out email early action acceptances (and rejections) in waves so that not everyone has been notified yet?</p>

Merit scholarships are part of the package, not in addition to it.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how much a Dean's Scholarship is? On the website it says it averages $7000 and in my letter it says its more than $8,500. Does the scholarship have a range? (Like $500 to $15,000.)</p>

<p>Hehe I was defered from Lewis & Clark. Not to upset about it since I got into
-Santa Clara
but it still sorta sucks to wait until April
Ah well</p>

<p>I bet Santa Clara has better weather than Portland, lol.</p>

<p>Any stats you'd care to report?? Son is an RD applicant, and would love to know where he stands....</p>

<p>I had a 2030 SAT, but I think LC evaluated my ACT score (30). 13 out of 425 students. Biggest EC is a leadership role where I'm in charge of 300 people in three counties. 3.8/4.4 overall GPA. Two other people got in from my school, one with slightly better scores and the other with slightly lower scores.</p>

<p>D2 got in. 30 ACT. 3.78 uw/4.26 w. $8,500+ scholarship. Volleyball recruit (not a factor in admission). 4 years concentrated volunteer service.</p>

<p>She's withdrawing her application as she is going to Amherst.</p>

<p>I got scholarship info in my mailed package.</p>

<p>In w/ half-tuition scholarship.
Stats, per cpeltz's request: 2370 SAT/35 ACT, 4.0uw/4.57w, first in class, have taken LC courses for 2 years--20 credits there w/ 4.0</p>

<p>My dd applied using the portfolio process as she didn't feel her SATs were stong enough.</p>

<p>I'm looking forward to her getting the mailed package to see if there is any merit money. We won't know until she gets back to school on January 11 since that's where the mail will be sent.</p>