Who's Applying!? :]

<p>Anyone else applying to L&C for 2012? If so, EA or RD? Can't wait to get this Application in!!! :D</p>

<p>I just sent in my app for EA today!</p>

<p>Oh nice! I’m still working on my essays! Lol :)</p>

<p>My S is applying EA. He submitted his Supplement but is still fine tuning his essays. Will probably submit next week. He is uber excited!!!</p>

<p>L&C is a great place. Good luck to all.</p>

<p>S2 is applying EA. 5boys, can you send in the supplement before the common app? Just wondering.</p>

<p>sunmachine… Yes, you can submit your supplements before you submit the big CA… you just click on supplement and then have them fill it out… it asks a few short questions, and then hit submit. He has already sent his test scores as well.</p>

<p>Submitted today EA!! So excited!</p>

<p>Class of '15 here :slight_smile: Good luck you guys! Hopefully I’ll see you next year :)</p>

<p>me too! haven’t submitted yet - working on essays! and waiting on SAT IIs so I won’t be able to submit until approx Oct 20. you guys are so on top of it, I’m jealous! hey chance me please? :slight_smile:
from a central california public school, ~800 kids
3.57 UW GPA, 3.93 W
Grades: As and Bs split pretty evenly I think, with 5 (yikes) Cs sprinkled throughout my transcript. However, I am expecting to have really strong grades this year (with 3 APs)
1 ap soph yr, 4 jr yr (BIG MISTAKE), 3 sr yr = 8 total
my grade trend is: good fresh yr, a little worse soph year, worse jr yr, great sr yr
5 on AP lit test, 4s on euro hist and us hist
class rank: #32/15% with W GPA (as of the end of last year)
SAT: 1800 (not going to submit this)
ACT: 29 (definitely using this instead)
SAT IIs: waiting on results
moderately strong ECs - newspaper, special biotech program, Pony Club (non-school related), several clubs, founded harry potter club, internship at a winery/vineyard, tutored in English, weekend job at a horse training barn for several years. that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.</p>

<p>unrelated, but I’m also applying at a bunch of UCs, Willamette, Santa Clara U, USF, Occidental, Cal Poly, Chapman, Boulder, U of Portland, and maybe Bryn Mawr.</p>

<p>PS I’m submitting EA to all my privates to (hopefully) increase my chances</p>

<p>You seem to be average or slightly above for L&C’s applicants! You should do fine.</p>

<p>I just sent out my application tonight so will have my counselor send out the transcript, test scores, etc. tomorrow. Does anyone know how long it takes for L&C to get back with students who apply EA?</p>

<p>don’t they let you know by January something? sorry I’m not much help haaha. </p>

<p>I am going up in November to look at it and am getting the entire package - interview, class observation, overnight, and tour! so excited! doing the same thing at willamette then too.</p>

<p>D just submitted everything last night. Whew! Keeping our fingers crossed for 1) admission and 2) some good merit aid!</p>

<p>I was notified via email of my EA acceptance on Friday, December 17th last year.</p>

<p>My S submited his EA app this weekend and had an interview yesterday. The interviewer and my S got along great and they ended up talking for awhile… he was the Dean of Admissions. He told my S he was a VERY strong applicant for admission… he hopes this is a good sign… he was excited to say the least. My S said he asked him a hard question… he asked him, " what other schools are you applying to and what would you do if you got into all of them?"… my S had a great answer… but he said it definitely stumped him for a minute.</p>

<p>5boys congrats on the most probable acceptance!
what are you son’s stats - GPA, SAT/ACT, class rank, major ECs?
I have an interview, overnight (so excited), tour, and class observation in november. super pumped.
how did he answer the “what would you do” question? I would have been honest and said that I would have talked it over with my parents and chosen the school that I liked the most.</p>

<p>Lily… have fun on your overnite. my S had one at Colorado College and had a great time!!My S LOVES to interview and all have been very easy and comfortable for him. My S also has some unusual EC’s. He went to school for a semester on an rural organic farm so that seems to be the number 1 conversation starter. </p>

<p>I think his stats are somewhere on here but he has 2190 SAT’s 790 CR, 3.6 GPA at a top private prep that does not rank, around 5 AP’s… 2 Junior year 4 and 5. His LOR’s wil be great as his teachers LOVE him and he is one of those kids that shines in classroom discussions. </p>

<p>He is an Eagle Scout, Vigil honor( highest honor in scouting) 3 regional leadership positions in scouting… running meeting with 150 adults, He has over 1500 hrs community service working on trails and conservation all over the US… had an internship this past summer with SCA. He is a First Responder, Rescue diver who founded an ocean underwater conservation organization… any way he has GREAT EC’s but his weakness is his GPA… he is really a B+ student… but somehow managed to get all A’s this quarter.</p>

<p>My son applied EA. Ah, Portland…!</p>

<p>I’m applying RD :slight_smile:
any RDs around? :D</p>