EA or RD applicants...

<p>I hail from the one an' only Westchesta County lol</p>

<p>NY rules!</p>

<p>Yea it does!</p>

<p>obviously PA rules, although NY is a close sibling. PA started this thread and still dominates it! haha</p>

<p>Yeah, yeah, Philly and Pittsburgh and the PA countryside are cool. I love the Phillies' cheesesteaks. But they don't call NY the EMpire State for nothing lol!</p>

<p>Mmm philly cheese steaks. I know I'm such a tourist, but I loved Pats and Genos.</p>

<p>Sadly, I am in the prison that is the South, more specifically, Virginia.</p>

<p>Actually, I love Virginia, but I'm ready to move north.</p>