<p>I'll pray in front of my computer with the UChicago website on my screen for 3 hours after I get home from school. I think that would show true dedication to the school, don't you think?</p>
<p>Heck, even better, once UChicago starts shipping out decisions, a thread will open up here on this forum 5 minutes later ... or less ... guaranteed.</p>
<p>Spazzity: </p>
Nonono, we should each sacrifice a pure white bull with gold gilded horns...but to whom? Surely not the adcoms, I'd imagine that that would freak them out quite a bit...
<p>you think this is obsessed? go check out the penn threads. THAT's obsessed. if you click refresh every minute, a new post will be up. i'm not even kidding.</p>
<p>I'm going insaaaaaaane! I keep debating the options: Check online! NO! Wait for mail! NO! Can't wait! Check online! NOOOO! A rejection or acceptance would be better by mail! AHHH! Must...focus...on... calculus!</p>